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Flau'Jae-Rise in shine booboo time to get up and get walking.
Roscoe-Were going walking again Flau'Jae it's only 11:00a.m.
Flau'Jae-Yup we need to stay fit.Get your lazy butt up let's go.
Roscoe-AlrightAlright I'm up let me get dressed.

On the walk
Flau'Jae-See this isn't so bad.
Roscoe-Speak for yourself this is torture.Can we stop we food?
Flau'Jae I told you to eat before we left the bus.
Roscoe-I wasn't hungry then,please let's stop for food.
Flau'Jae-Fine big baby only place over here is JimmyJones.
Roscoe-I'll take a sandwhich.

At JimmyJones
Flau'Jae-Slow down boy the sandwhich not going no where.
Roscoe-(Talking with a full mouth)Sorry I didn't eat before we started walking I worked up an appetite during that walking.
Flau'Jae-We're not even a mile away from the bus how did you get that hungry from walking not even close to a mile.
Roscoe-Cause its the King sucka.
Flau'Jae-Boii you a mess I'll go get some napkins.

Mani-Bro where you at.
King-With Flau'Jae we went walking but stopped at JimmyJones to get something to eat.
Mani-Me and Lotto wanna join yall so stay there til we come.
King-Ight man I'll let Flau'Jae know.

Flau'Jae-I got the napkins.
Roscoe-Thank You baby Mani and Lotto are gonna catch up with us so we need to wait on them.
Flau'Jae-Maybe we can go to the movies and chill for a bit.
Roscoe-Let's go see GetOut it looks good.

Mani and Mulotto arrives stay tuned next chapter coming and you'll see what they do or find out at the movies.

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