20. Breathtaking

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Waking up in the comfort of Carl's bed was something I hadn't felt in so long. Waking up to his smell soaked in the sheets was more warming and more comforting than probably what the morning sun would have been and if it wasn't for the early onset of a hangover pounding in my skull, I would have happily stayed there all day. But as I eventually woke and rubbed the sleep from my eyes it took me a few moments to remember why exactly I was waking up in Carl's bed...the problem was that exactly, I couldn't remember a thing.

"Morning sleepyhead." As if on cue Carl said from the doorway of his room. His dishevelled hair and flushed skin lead me to believe he hadn't been up for very long either. I took a selfish moment to admire his appearance but smother the feelings it stirred up in me.
"I brought you some panadole, figured you'd need it." He crossed the room, sat down and handed me two tablets and a glass of water which I gladly accepted.

"Thankyou." I croaked out enjoying the feeling of the cool water soothing my dry throat. "At risk of sounding like an idiot, how did I get in here?" I asked still frustrated at my ability to not remember anything from the night before.

"I put you to bed. You were preetty fucked up." He laughed and the embarrassment flooded through me. Oh god what did I do.

"How bad?" I braced myself for the answer.

"You weren't an idiot but if you can't remember anything I'd say pretty bad." He chucked again and I covered my face not sure if I was thankful for the lack of memory.

"You put me to bed?" I asked checking down and noticing I wasn't wearing the jeans I'd came in but instead a pair of Carl's shorts and a big jumper. Oh god he undressed me. "Did you dress me too?" I cringed wishing I could sink further and further into the mattress.

"I helped, you were struggling." He laughed at the memory only worsening the embarrassment I felt. "Nothing I haven't seen before." He winked. I couldn't deal with flirty Carl yet. Not until this headache was gone and there was food in my system.
"Breakfast?" He asked and I could've sworn that boy was reading my mind.


We sat ourselves down at the table eating cereal while the typical Gallagher morning hustle was happening, everyone getting ready, discussing their days, but I couldn't stop wracking my brain about the night before.

The last thing I remembered for sure was standing outside the bathroom with Carl. We were just talking right? Nothing happened that I could remember and surely I'd remember if anything happened between us. Right?

"What's your plans for today?" Lip asked me catching my attention and bringing my thoughts to a close.

"Uh nothing I don't think." I shrugged looking towards Carl and he spoke up.

"Were gonna get out of the house for the day." Carl answered as if it we had already discussed this. Not that I could remember anyway.

"Are we?" I asked trying to clarify if we had made plans or not.

"Yup." He winked getting up and putting our bowls in the kitchen. Lip gave me a smirk and I rolled my eyes at him clearly suggesting something was going on between Carl and I. But there wasn't. Was there?


Carl and I got ourselves ready and he borrowed Fiona's car for our outing which I definitely had no idea was happening. I was kind of excited though, it was nice to spend time together with no pressure and no expectations and no confusion. We were just friends and we were just hanging out. Even though I was insanely attracted to him, we were perfectly able to be friends.

Taking advantage of the quiet drive to whatever Carl had planned, I decided to think over the night before and try to remember whatever I could. I remembered chatting to the Carl outside the bathroom but what were we talking about? I think we were joking about him always catching me in the bathroom, that conversation rang a bell. He got quite close to me again I remember the way it felt to have him to close and the air between us got quite tense. But what did he say to me?

"What you thinking about?" He interrupted my thoughts. I considered lying for a moment.

"Honestly I'm trying to remember what happened last night." I laughed accepting whatever embarrassment I was going to face.

"You can't remember anything?" The smirk slightly died off his face.

"I remember talking to you outside the bathroom and after that nothing." I sighed hoping nothing too bad happened. I guess he wouldn't want to be with me if I had said something horrible.

"Oh okay." He said suddenly his positive mood seemed to turn sour which made me really nervous.

"Did I do or say something?" I had to ask.

"No it's fine." He shook his head but I still felt the weird vibe he was giving off which made me want to know even more what really happened.

"Nothing happened between us did it?" I cringed at the fact that I even had to ask the question.

"I wouldn't take advantage of you like that if that's what you're asking." He laughed and I was thankful for his change in mood even if there was something not right.  "Even if I wanted to." He winked and that suddenly sparked a flashback from the night before.

I want you so fucking bad.

Those words. Oh god those words. That's what he said to me at the bathroom that got me so flustered. Even just thinking back on the moment had my stomach in knots and my thoughts subconsciously clenched. Oh god what was he doing to me.

"As long as I didn't completely embarrass myself." I sighed accepting the fact that that would be the last thing I'd remember.

"Not completely." He winked. That was gonna have to be enough for me.


"Here we are." He said as we pulled onto the side of the road next to a grassy area.

"Where are we?" I questioned clearly not expecting this to be the destination of our 'adventure'.

"I found this really cool place a while ago and I thought you'd appreciate it." He explained. We jumped out of the car and he leaded us for a short walk through the grassy area. It was so beautiful and the further we walked through the grass and trees and plants felt like we were disappearing from the place we lived for so long. We kept walking until we reached a lake type body of water surrounded by trees and grass. It was absolutely breathtaking.

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