"I'm texting him now."

"What are you and Madrid?"

"Honestly if I knew I would've probably told you by now seeing as you are my only friend."

"You guys haven't defined-"

"We're just two individuals who enjoy having sex with one another. Nothing more nothing less," I tried to explain ignoring my feelings in the mix of everything.

"Just make sure you are comfortable with everything you guys are doing, I would hate to have to pop up to his workplace and beat his ass for hurting you."

"We'll talk later and figure everything out."

"Don't forget to grab dinner before you go to bed and I'm serious."

"I understand Wins and I will grab dinner as you put it."

"I'm serious, you have under the hour."

"I'll call a Vietnamese spot for some pho hopefully they deliver."

"Don't forget to eat Malia."

"I won't forget, chat me later Wins?"

"Of course," he said before hanging up the phone.

Not long after my phone rang again this time it was Taav asking me the same generic questions about school and any new house ideas that he could tell the workers.

I grabbed the house phone ordering something that would sustain me, I looked at my tummy and squeezed it a bit, I was a little pudgy. I finished writing essays for my college applications and sent them in hoping I got acceptance letters back.

My mind wandered over to Taav and his baby's mother, did he love her more than he loved me? Did he even love me? He never said it, I'm pretty sure. Was their baby pretty? Did this mean I was no longer a part of his family?

I wiped away the tears streaming down my cheeks, I hated feeling like this. Feeling so less than, so hollow and incomplete.

Sitting in his room, I completed all the assignments that I could still turn in for credit and relaxed against his pillows. My phone was flashing and the alarms in the house went off propelling my body into panic mode. I ran to my phone and answered immediately.

"Malia there is someone in the house," I could feel myself feeling paralyzed, my limbs began to feel numb and I could feel my mind detaching. "Princess I need you to get it together, step quietly and lock the door, they're right outside. I'm on my way," I could hear the urgency in his voice. How he knew someone was in the house I couldn't put two and two together. Frazzled would be an understatement, I inched to the room doors clicking the lock and seeing the shadow underneath the door.

Whoever the intruder was had tried the door twice and began banging on it. ran to hide my things and make it seem like I wasn't present and rushed to the bathroom locking the door as they broke the bedroom door. I slammed the door shut feeling my palms getting sweaty.

"Madrid...Madrid," I tried not to cry and choke on my words, "they got in the bedroom I'm locked in the bathroom. Please hurry."

Madrid's POV

As soon as I noticed the figure in her room rummaging through her things I had my assistant take over and alerted the authorities through my security system.

I was breaking every single traffic law I could and I gave no fucks about tickets or going to jail. My computer alerts had gone off for two minutes telling me that her window was opened, I thought she was just in her room but the alerts moved to my phone signaling a threat. She missed my first two calls, I called Con telling him someone was in the house and Malia was in there. He was rushing to her as well but my body was still tense.

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