“How would I know?” He asked suspiciously.

                I shrugged, “Doesn’t hurt to ask.” I sighed and turned to the paused game.

                “Are you worried about him?” I nodded in response. “You shouldn’t be he can take care of himself. Now the fact that he left you, that is surprising.”

                I looked at him curiously. “And why is that?”

                “Well you know, you’re his …uh… girlfriend. He wouldn’t have just left you.”

                “Well he did,” I said letting the frustration leak into my voice.

                “I sure he had a good reason,” he said trying to reassure me. “I should head home now it’s getting late. I promise you, there is definitely a good reason for him to leave you. He will tell you soon enough…I hope.” I gave me one last smile before turning and leaving me there seated and still very much confused.


                “Mommy! Mommy!”

                “Huh? What?” I mumbled opening my eyes to see Don standing directly in front of me. “What happened baby?” I asked still groggy.

                “Why are you asleep on the sofa?”

                “What?” I sat up and looked around me. I was still in the living room. I must have fallen asleep here last night.

                “You didn’t go to bed last night!” He exclaimed.

                “I’m sorry baby. I was just tired.”

                “Okay. But are you okay?”

                “I’m fine,” I assured him.

                “Is Paul coming over today too? You have a date tonight too right?”

                “Uh, I don’t know.”

                “But you were excited mommy!  You have a date with Coach so you have to make me breakfast and get ready.”

                “Uh…” I mumbled.

                “Of course she has a date today!” I screamed in a panic and grabbed Don and put him behind him, shielding him. I looked at the person who spoke, to find Paul kneeled over laughing.

                “That is not funny! And how did you get in?” I demanded.

                “You…forgot…to…lock…the…door,” he said in between laughs. I grabbed a cushion and threw it at him as hard as I could. It only made him laugh even harder making Don join him. I stood there shocked as they both laughed at my reaction.  “That was the funniest thing ever,” he said after he caught his breath, “and great pay back if I do say so myself.” Don laughed and ran to Paul and gave him a high five. I grabbed another cushion and threw it at them before running to the bathroom for cover.

                “We’ll get you later mommy!” I heard Don’s muffled scream. I laugh as I turn on the water to shower. I took my time in the bathroom, when I finally walked out the boys were again playing one of their games.

                “Make breakfast!” I screamed as I ran to the room.

                “Already done!” Paul responded.

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