Chapter One

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                                               The Light and the Dark: Chapter One

Death Note Rule # 11. The person in possession of the Death Note is possessed by a god of death or Shinigami, its original owner, until they die.


                                                                 *Age 12*


            Blake Bond moved her white pawn a square forward, blocking her enemy bishop's path to her King, in response to the winning move.

           "Why do you two continue to play, even though it always ends in a tie?" L mumbled as he watched the two girls play the challenging game of Chess. Sitting in his normal stance-Balancing on his toes, legs folded underneath him like a frog- his eyes followed the black bishop as it slowly made its way and knocked over the white pawn.

           A long-fingered hand plucked the fallen pawn off the checkered board, and placed it in her collection of the white pieces, only missing the King piece now. Chuckling and wearing her sly grin, Artimi Lau responded with, "We play in hopes of finally beating each other. Oh, and check."

           Blake shifted her King diagonally, and pushed the black bishop to the next square. She snatched the bishop off the board and the bishop was put in her almost complete set of black pieces.

           "That is an idiotic reason," L said thoughtfully, pushing a lock of black hair out of his eyes.

           "I don't care what you think, L," Artimi said with a growl to her voice; she didn't exactly like L, though she put up with him for Blake's sake. She looked around the room. tan carpet, mossy green walls, chairs set around the room, and a table, which was now decorated with a chess board, was all that personalized the bland room. Her gray-blue eyes then scanned the board, and saw, once again, that the two friends had resulted in a tie; only two Kings standing.

            Blake furrowed her brow, green eyes staring at the board, and jaw stuck out at the sight of another tie, "Wanna play again?"

            "Nah, its about to be dinner time," Artimi yawned and pushed back in her chair, almost falling when the chair's legs caught on the carpet. She looked over to L and threw him a death glare.

            "We'll see you at the usual table, L," Blake said as she shoved the chess pieces in a blue bag, and put the chess board and bag in a drawer. She grinned at L, and then said to Artimi, "You ready?"

             "I'm always ready for food," Artimi said, face splitting into a sparkling smile that matched Blake's.

             Then the two girls left for dinner, arm-in-arm.


                                                                 *Age 16*

            Blake and Artimi stood in front of the pair of newest orphans to arrive at Wammy's Home for Orphans. The only reason they were there was because Wammy had asked Blake to "welcome them to the Orphanage and give them a short tour around the place". Artimi had just tagged along.

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