Chapter Twenty

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Point of View: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Flashback (cont.)

I woke up cuddling with something soft and warm.

Confused, I slowly opened my eyes and - 

It was... Roman.

Roman was still fast asleep... on my chest. 

He had one arm tucked underneath my back and the other resting on top, resting his hand in a gentle fist on my chest, a couple inches away from his mouth.  Roman was using his large, beautiful, warm wings as a blanket for the both of us, his right wing tossed over most of my legs and torso.  

I didn't want to move, so I didn't, easily falling back asleep.

Point of View: Roman, First Person

I woke up cuddling with something soft and warm.

Smiling I pulled it closer, before realizing the it in question... was actually a who.

My eyes flew open to find Anxiety, still fast asleep.  I smiled softly, at the way his back curled naturally against my chest. His headphones were still around his neck for some... odd reason...

But something told me he hardly noticed, his forehead pressed gently into the corner of the couch. I guess he really does like couch corners.

And then I noticed his hand.

His hand... that was interlocked with mine.

No one is in control over what happens in their sleep, and I know that. I know, I know that. But... I couldn't help smiling at the thought of him holding me close.

I sighed, pulling away from Anx and getting to my feet.  Anx let out a small whimper in his sleep at the sudden loss of heat.  I snapped my fingers, summoning Anxiety's little kitten plush from his room.  Gently, I slipped the plush in his arms and Anxiety quickly wrapped his arms around it, pressing his nose into the plush happily.  Oh my stars, he was adorable. 

Who knew Anxiety was a cuddler?

I sighed, rubbing a hand against my cheek, frowning at the sight below me.

I couldn't deny it now. 

I had a crush on Anxiety.

I had been denying it for the past month. I couldn't like Anxiety.  I just couldn't.  Falling for Anx...  that would be the end of me.  Besides, we've only really known each other for only about a month.  These feelings - my feelings- can't matter, can't be real.  He probably doesn't like me back anyway.

I sighed, standing up and and making my way to my room. I couldn't fall for Anx. The risk was just too great...

But maybe he's the prince I've been waiting for all this time.

And could I really be happy, knowing that I was only his friend (and quite frankly hardly one that), and that he saw me as nothing more?  Could I be happy watching him fall in love with someone else?  Could I be happy for him while he was in someone else's arms?


I don't think I could.

Point of View: Virgil, First Person

"Practicing for our next match?" a voice asked and I instantly lost my concentration, almost dropping my staff in surprise.

I had taken to using the staff as my weapon of choice when Prince and I went against each other. It was more a defensive weapon, making it much more difficult to play offense - which I hardly did anyway.  But it still gave strong powerful blows if I wanted to, but it was much harder to make anything permanent, which was something I valued in it. I was lot harder to kill someone with a long heavy as opposed to the sharp, pointy toothpick like Prince has got.

Why I Run {Prinxiety} - Book One of Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now