Chapter One

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Point of View: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Flashback

The first day I met Princey, he surprised me. Caught me off-guard.

I don't like being caught off-guard.

Who does?

And he was - well, it doesn't matter now what we were.

Before I fell for Prince Not-So-Charming, I hated him. Quite earnestly, I'd argue actually.

Which I'm sure is a surprise... to no one.

I hated him because the other sides - somehow- liked him. Despite his not-so-fabulous personality. Everyone ignored every bad part about him. They only saw the best in him - choosing to ignore his flaws (despite the plentiful amount he supplied them with on a daily basis). Princey was praised for being creative, outstanding, and the pure embodiment of goodness.

And I'm...

Well I'm not.

But then again, who could blame them? Who's want to be around ANXIETY? Unsettling, anti-social, dark all-around-creepy Anxiety?

Either way, I made sure to keep a mental list of reasons why he was a completely jerk. At the time, it wasn't a long list because I honestly didn't know him well enough to judge him properly, but for someone who I didn't know, it was quite a significant list.


Don't worry - that list gets a lot longer before it gets shorter.

Much longer.

Anyway, I'd seen him around for years. The most important sides have this big meeting so I knew about him. But I never actually talked to him or anything.

So, really, the first time I actually met Princey was in the common room for some party. Princey was having a party as celebration for defeating some magical creature I don't remember anymore.

Now - before you start getting any crazy ideas - I did not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES want to go to this. Like at all. But Patton was all but forcing me to - threatening me with making me wash all the dishes for the next month.


Just no.

So I was only at the stupid thing to begin with because of Patton. Other sides mingled while I sulked in the corner, headphones on even though music was playing (but it was bouncey, pop music and I was not going to force such an awful fate in my poor ears).

After about ten minutes, and no sight of Patton, I figured it'd be best to grab a roll of bread for the road and jet outta there before anyone even noticed I was here.

I made my way to the kitchen where some side had set up the food.

It was pizza.


Almost every kind of pizza was there - plain, extra cheese, pepperoni, ham, barbeque chicken, vegan (no one had touched that one yet), and even more that I couldn't even name.

And then I saw the stuffed crust pizza.


Well, maybe just one slice of pizza wouldn't hurt...

I grabbed a plate and no one paid me any attention as I reached out for the last piece of stuffed crust pizza.

And then my hand touched someone else's, who happened to be reaching for the same slice. I jumped back and looked up to see - surprise - Mr. Not-So-Charming himself.

Princey looked just as surprised as me. He stared for a second before clearing his throat.

"Um, do I know you?" Princey eyed me up and down, silently judging me. I shifted nervously under his scrunity.

And you wonder why I hated Princey immediately.

Still, this was the first time I had gotten to see him up close, so I decided to do the same in return.

Princey was in a white suit with gold embroidery. He was more jazzed up than what I'd seen of him before. Not that I'd ever had a conversation with the dude, it's just hard to ignore that who looked like someone looked like their bathed in their own accomplishments. He looked true to his name. He looked... Like the side of side that assumed you needed rescuing.

Kinda a jerk honestly.

"I'm Anxiety. Patton forced me to come," I added, not wanting him to get this idea that I was his number one fan or something cause he looked like the kind of person who'd assume that kind of thing.

"Well, I'm Princey," he said, holding his hand out for a handshake. "And if you don't mind me asking, why would you - um - possibly be wearing headphones when there's music playing?"

I shook his hand in return only out of politeness. And for technicalities sake, I only had one side of my headphones actually on my ear - just in case Patton arrived and called for me so I could get out of here as soon as possible.

"Better than this," I answered, waving my hand back to the DJ Booth, which was currently unoccupied.


Oh no.

"Oh really? So what are you listening to that could be that much better?" Princey asked, frowning.

Of course Princey would be the DJ. Of. Freakin. Course.

Is there no mercy in this world?

"Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance."

I could see instantly that I had made a good decision because Princey squirmed. Smiling, I focused on the song that was playing.

"What even is this?" I almost couldn't help laughing. He had no musical taste.

"Why does it matter?" Princey argued, but I'd bet he didn't even know this song. If he really played what he wanted, we'd probably be listening to some Disney soundtrack to be honest. Princey's love for Disney was no secret, even to me.

"Nothing... but if you don't mind, I'm just gonna slip these back on to save my dying ears."

Prince scoffed, offended. Whoops.

"Sorry I didn't protect your fragile little feelings," I muttered under my breath.

Princey didn't miss it.

"What'd you say?" Princey looked angry, his cheeks two bright red circles.

And then I saw the sword.

And Princey's hand wrapped around the hilt.

"What are you playing at?" I yelped in surprise, taking a healthy step back. "Someone doesn't agree with you and suddenly you pull a sword out on them?"

I was making a scene but I didn't care. "Someone doesn't give you this delusion that you're this perfect little ray of sunshine and say that you're their hero and then you decide its okay to pull out a sword?"

I was on a tangent now, just a runaway train of destruction. "Swords won't solve all your problems, especially when the biggest problem is the person wielding it."

I shook my head and teleported away, wanting to leave him with something to think about.

I popped back into my room, dropping on the couch and sliding my headphones. I sighed happily, away from other sides, away from terrible music, away from arrogant princes.

But there was no was I was listening to My Chemical Romance anytime soon.
I promise it gets better. I promise this horribleness gets better.
Please hang in there.

Til like Chapter Thirty. XD

Feedback is also highly appreciated :)

But on a serious note, it really does get better. I promise.

-Max :)

Why I Run {Prinxiety} - Book One of Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now