Chapter 30

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I woke up with a warm feeling. Taylor was next to me, sleeping like an angel, it all felt so right.

Her eyes fluttered open "Morning." She smiled.

"Good morning." I smiled back, "You hungry?"

"A little..." she yawned.

I got up and started to make breakfast. As I was pouring coffee, Taylor walked out. I grabbed her waist from behind and kissed her temple. "I love you."

"I love you too." She turned around and planted a sweet kiss on my lips.

After eating breakfast, we decided to be lazy for a bit and just talk.

"So...I told everyone you were dead. How do I tell them you're not?" I asked.

"Tell them it was a joke." She answered as she went through liking things on Instagram.

"But they'd hate me. That's some pretty sick joke."

She sat up and locked her phone. "Then why don't you tell the truth? We haven't kept any secrets from them before."

"True." I smiled "but I'm not doing it in a whole video like I did when you 'died', I'll probably just vlog it in like another pillow talk or something." I said.

" made a video about me??? I need to watch this." She laughed a bit and went to go get her headphones. She came back with her headphones plugged in her phone, already watching the video. I felt kind of embarrassed because I didn't ever mean for her to see it...

While she was watching it, I was thinking about Nicole. I know, I never wanted to talk to her again but I needed to clear things up with her. I texted her quickly before Taylor saw.

Me: hey let's meet up at Starbucks later. We need to talk.

She replied minutes later with a simple 'ok'.

I got snapped out of my thoughts when Taylor un-expectedly kissed me.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Because that video was so cute and I love you." She smiled

"I love you too." I said before kissing her one last time. I could feel her smiling into the kiss this time.

We sat and watched tv for a while while just mindlessly talking.

"So what should we do today?" She asked.

"I don't know. Let's just be lazy. I like to be lazy." I said as she smiled.

"You know I could really go for like a latte or a slushy. Like a blue one from target." She grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

"Does anyone not like targets slushys?"

She giggled a bit, "Everyone should! They're like the bestest thing in the world."

I smiled and kissed her. "I'll go get some lattes first and then maybe we can go out for dinner later."

"Okay hurry back with my latte!" she slightly yelled as I walked back to the room to get dressed. I walked out the door and started walking to Starbucks. Of course I only did this so that I could talk to Nicole alone for a bit.

I whipped out my phone and texted her.

Me: meet you there in a bit

I locked my phone and kept walking.


I opened the door to Starbucks and saw a few people with their MacBooks and magazines all enjoying their coffee. One of those people were Nicole.

I nervously sat down across from her in the booth. "Hey." I said quietly.

"Hi." She replied.

"Look, I know you're mad. But-"

"I'm not mad. I just want to know what's going on. You told me she was why is she all of a sudden back?" she asked confused.

"Well...the thing is, I thought she was dead. But it's a long story..."

"I've got time." She looked at me with a sense of confusion and anger in her eyes.

I explained everything to her. I didn't make much eye was awkward enough okay.

"So are you mad at me?" I asked.

"No. Not really." She said looking down at her hands. "Are you mad at me?" she looked up.

"No...but I think we should have some like, you know time apart." I said. I felt so guilty.

"Yeah..️i get it. So I better get going..." she said as she walked out.

"Bye." I whispered.

I ordered our lattes and walked home.


"What took you so long?" Asked Taylor as she pecked my lips when I walked in the door.

"There was a super long line." I lied.

She grabbed her latte and sat at the kitchen table where she was looking at something on her macbook.

I sat across from her. "You know we've been engaged for a long time now."

"I know! We should start working out details for the wedding..." she replied.

"We should have our wedding in a place that's totally filled with cats." I suggested.

"" She laughed "I am not getting married in a place with a bunch of cats in it."

"We should have it on the beach." I suggested thinking of more ideas. "After all, that is where I proposed."

"We should just have it in somewhere normal like a church. It's easier!"

I made a face that said 'I'm not amused' "Normal is boring."

"Shut up!" She laughed as she playfully hit me.

We laughed and kept talking about wedding things like who should come, who shouldn't, where it should be, etc. Boring things like that.

That's when I realized how happy I was. Like that Taylor was back. How happy I felt and how excited I was to spend the rest of my life with her.

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