Chapter 2

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I woke up and walked downstairs to see 3 guys on their phones in awkward positions on the couch. Jc was upside down, Ricky was laying on the ground next to the couch, and Kian was laying face first, taking up the whole couch.

"Um hey guys..." I said as they all looked at me.

"Were hungry." Whined Kian

"We don't have any fuckin food we just moved in!" I yelled as I walked away to the kitchen where Connor was editing a video with headphones on.

I snuck up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Jesus Christ you scared the living crap out of me!" He yelled as I laughed and pointed at him.

"First, if you have crap living inside you, you might want to see a doctor." I said as I begun walking towards the stairs. "Second, Jesus has nothing to do with this!!!!" I smiled to myself and walked back up to my room. I put on some 'All Time Low' on my mac, and started in packing my stuff. It was about 6 by the time I got done with my clothes and decorations, and I started to get hungry. I sat up.

"Wanna go get some fro yo?" asked Jc as he bounced into my room.

"I...was just going to say that." I laughed and grabbed my phone. "Let's go!" I said as I trudged down the stairs.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked cluelessly

"They all went to ikea for house and room decorations." He said grabbing his phone off the couch.

"Then I guess that's fine." I walked out the door with Jc trailing behind me.

"It's a date!" he said cheekily

"It's not a date." I lightly hit his arm

He laughed. "It's a date. Don't question it."

"Fine." I said as I innocently held up my hands.

Then he pulled out his camera. "Hey guys! I'm just on my way to go get frozen yogurt with this chick;" he said before pointing the camera at me.

I put my hand over the lens. "Don't look at me i don't have makeup on!" I yelled.

"You look beautiful without makeup on!" he said still trying to get a shot of my face on the video.

I finally gave up on trying to hide my face. "Fine. Whatever."

"Speaking of which, we were just arguing about if this was a date. Which it is." He laughed.

"It's not a date, so all you teenage girls wanting him to be your boyfriend, don't frickin kill me I'm not dating him."

He laughed. "Well I guess I'll see you guys at the fro yo place!" he said before he stopped recording.

We walked in silence for a moment, before he whispered "it's definitely a date." he said before running. He knew I would hit him so that's why he ran.


When we got the the place, I got my fro yo and sat down in a booth across from Jc. Then I remembered my dream.

Me and Jc kissed in his room. What if I kissed him now? would that make it so that my dream kind of came true? no...that can't be.

We talked about life and random things while we sat there. It had been about 15 minutes until he finished, but being the girl I am...had to take tiny bites and take an hour to eat.

"You look like such a girl eating like that." He laughed sarcastically.

"Shut up." I shot him a glare, kind of smiling.

"So how's the 'date' going for you?" He winked making quotation marks around the word date.

it's going good so far. I'm having a good time." I said obliviously to what he just said.

"Haha you just admitted it was a date!" He laughed to himself.

"What's with you and this 'date' thing! we've only met twice before." I said before a smile spread across my face. "Justin has a crush!"

"Do not!" His face turned pink.

"Don't deny it." I said before getting up. "Let's go." I grabbed hold of his arm and linked it with mine and we started to walk back to the house.

"Wait, what are you doing?" he laughed referring to us linking arms.

"I felt like being royal okay?"

He chuckled "You're weird." He said as he looked looked into my eyes.

"I know." I said proudly as we continued to walk up the pavement.

When we got back we saw Kian, Connor and Ricky filming a video. I let go of Jc, ran up to them and interrupted the video.

"Hi!" I said cutting Ricky off.

"And this is the lovely Taylor." He laughed and pushed me out of the frame. "she was just leaving..." we all burst out laughing.

Me and Jc walked to the kitchen as they finished filming.

"Make me a sandwich?" he begged.

"Make your own! I'm not your mum." I said grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.

"fine." He slammed his phone down on the table, causing it to crack in many places on the screen.

"Good job." I said picking up his phone. He didn't know it was cracked yet.

"What do you mea- oh." He turned around and stood there in awe. "Guess I'll be taking a trip to the apple store......" he picked up his phone from my hand and traced his finger over the many cracks.

"Hey guys what's up?" said kian walking in.

"Done with your videos?" I asked.

"Yep." He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. "What did you do Jc?"

"Cracked my fucking iPhone."

"You're smart." He laughed.

"We'll I can't live without a phone..." he tried to turn it on by clicking the lock
button and home button. "So I'm gonna go to the apple store right now."

"I want to come with because I need to upgrade to the 5s." Kian said enthusiastically. He ran to his car right away. Jc followed.

"Then I guess it's just us three." Connor said walking in.

"Actually, I'm going to Shane's house to film a video. So bye!" Ricky said suddenly.

"And then there was two..." I sighed.

not a dream ; connor franta fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن