Chapter 26

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"What the frick!!!" Nicole said as she was sitting on the ground playing GTA5 on my play station 4.

I laughed and brought coffee over to her.

"Thanks." She said and took a sip. She was battling a fight with the cops right now.

"Woah. What did you do to get 4 stars??" I asked shocked.

"Nothing much! I just stole a Lamborghini and shot some people, no big deal right!!"

I laughed even more than before.

After a few more minutes of her GTA gameplay, she paused it. "I need a break. That game is seriously intense." She sat next to me on the couch sipping her coffee. "So...we kissed last night." She smiled.

I smiled back. "Yep, we did."

"Did it mean anything? I don't know...but all I know is that I really like you and I don't know what to think about the kiss." She said kind of freaking out.

I looked down. "I don't know what to think either." I said.

I still love Taylor but she's gone. I need to move on.

"I think we should just forget about it right now, and just go on a relaxing Starbucks because I have a craving." She said grabbing her iPhone, putting on her keds and walking out the door. I followed.

"So, what should we do today?" I asked as we walked down from Starbucks drinking our coffees.

"Let's go to the beach! It's decent outside today!" Nicole said excitedly.

"I guess it's alright out...we shall walk to the beach!" I grabbed her free hand and we ran past the people walking our way.


We sat on the sand by the beach as we talked. We talked about my YouTube a bit, we talked about our "relationship" a bit, and not much else.

We talked until I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. It was a Minnesota number. I felt like it was important, so I took the call.

"Hello??" I answered the phone.

"Connor? This is Taylor's mom. I have some ... interesting news."

I got up and mouthed to Nicole 'sorry I need to take this.'

"Yeah? what is it?" I asked.

", Taylor's alive."

not a dream ; connor franta fanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora