Chapter 20

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It was the next day, and I'd pretty much had enough with being in Minnesota and and everyone in Minnesota. I just wanted to go home. My flight left in 2 hours and I was already packed and on my way to the airport. The only thing I wasn't looking forward to, was going home to see all of Taylor's stuff that she'd left perfectly in its place. Of course I didn't want to remove it because I didn't want to throw it out, but I also didn't want to have all this stuff in my house reminding me of my dead girlfriend. Whatever. I just need to clear my mind of everything right now.

On the plane, I slept about half the way. The other half I spent editing the video I had recorded a few days ago. The good thing is, that when I woke up I totally forgot about all of my problems and just focused on going home and getting to see all my friends and being happy. For once, I haven't thought about Taylor.

"So how was Minnesota??" Jon said as we drove in his car back to my place. He's the one who picked me up from the airport. "Aside know."

"It was pretty horrible I guess." I said in an uplifting voice, sarcastically of course.

"Awe man, I'm sorry. How about we get your mind off things and go out to a party?" He said as he drove. "It's in 3 days. You up for it??" He asked once more.

"Yeah, I don't know Jon. I just...need some time to think, alright?" I said as we pulled up to my front door.

"Yeah alright." He said as I grabbed all my bags and closed the door to his car. "Bye Connor!" I heard him yell as I approached my front door and opened it.

Everything was perfectly in its place like we'd left it. I walked to our room, put my luggage down on the floor, and just looked. Her makeup still on the bedside table. Her clothes still in the wardrobe. Her fuzzy blankets folded nicely at the end of the bed. Everything reminded me of her. Maybe I should go to that party with Jon... just to stop thinking for once.

The rest of the day wasn't that great. I uploaded the video, and got some really positive comments and tweets saying like 'I'm sorry' and 'rip Taylor' and some people even wrote a full on paragraph. To be honest, I kind of got sick of people tweeting at me about Taylor because it just made me even more sad than I already was. I finally got so angry that I tweeted something that I instantly regretted tweeting.

@connorfranta: Can we all just stop talking about Taylor??? it's bad enough she's dead. I don't need to be reminded every single living second of the day!!!!!

But I was mad. And I really didn't mean it, I just needed to stop reminding myself of her. So I rang Jon.

"Hey Connor, what's up?" he said after a few rings.

"Hey Jon. I just wanted to say...that I want to go to that party in a few days. To, y'know, get my mind off things."

"Great! See you then!" he said before hanging up.

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