Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm on my phone. Ugh 2:30 am, the best time to wake up. Well the only reason it was so early is because our flight to LA left at 5:30, and we have to get through security and stuff. I trudged out of bed and and put my hair into a messy bun. I didn't bother putting makeup on, so I just put on a pair of sunglasses before walking out to my car with my bags. I had to pick up Connor, because he doesn't have a car and always tells me to drive him places.

When I got to his place, I waited for what seemed like an hour before he finally walked out.

"Where the fuck were you?" I asked as he got in my car after putting his bags in the back.

"Waking up. And getting perfect." He said doing a hair flip.

"You wish you could hair flip as good as me." I said as I did one back.

We talked about hair and random things whilist we drove to the airport.

"So that kiss a few days ago..." he said after an awkward silence.

I tried not to hear him but what else could I do? "it didn't mean anything, right?" I said hesitantly.

"I wish I could say that it didn't..."

I pulled into the lot of the airport and just thought about the kiss for a second.

"Let's just not worry about this right now, it's 3am and I'm tired okay?" I said getting out of the car. He got out too and we carried our bags inside. We went through security and all that, and finally like 15 minutes later got on the plane.

We sat next to each other on the plane, and watched a film for the first like 30 minutes. After I got bored of it, I listened to music. while I was listening to the song 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran, I fell asleep on Connors shoulder thinking about us, about the dream, about everything right now. I know I had a huge crush on him, but I didn't know that we were good for each other just yet.

Connors POV

She looked so cute when she was sleeping. I had the biggest crush on her...if it wasn't obvious yet. I really just wanted to hold her in my arms and never let her go. I wanted her to be with me and only me. But I guess it's good not to rush things...

Taylor's POV

I woke up at about 7 or 8 I'm not sure. But we were just about to land in California at Los Angeles. I awoke Connor by shaking him.

"Connor were here! in California!" I whispered loudly.

He woke up and started watching out the window as we landed. It was so pretty here! the ocean, the trees, it was beautiful! Someone said something over the loudspeaker and we began to get off the plane.

**at the o2l house**

The boys weren't living here yet because this is technically the first day we've owned this place. I took all of my things up to a random room across from Connors. He had the biggest room and I was really jealous.

I put all my stuff on the floor and pulled out a blanket. My room came with a futon, so I grabbed the blanket and laid right down and fell asleep.

This day was off to a good start. I can't wait to see Kian Jc and Ricky later.

not a dream ; connor franta fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن