Royal Command

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It was a week later. The party was over for good. Pha was confused as Forth questioned him about marriage. He knew the boy he talked was his mate but the other one was also impressed him in the first seconds. He  had a thing for cutie little fluffy objects and people. Even tho his mother indicated Pha to have a tall wife with a slim figure, the prince achieved to surprise the queen as usual.

She attended to the party to see the bride but Pha smiled to a raven haired boy and 'the waiter' who poured down water on him.Thanks God !Almighty King didn't comment about the kind and gender of queen. Pha made himself a fool in front of entire royal family, said his mother under her breath.

Just like that a week passed and now it was time to know the chosen one. Pha knocked the door of the hall full of royal bastards or frauds -his words - and entered without permission.

His father and mother was waiting impatiently as Pha being late for an hour. They didn't know he was confused as fuck. The cute Fharis and his actual mate Wayo, a servant n human was appealing but taking all of them would be impossible. The rules were absolute. Monogamy was a must. As they lived for a long time there was no need for another partner.

"It's gonna be all right"murmured Pha  and entered the room finally. Al eyes were on him. He waied both the king and queen. And of course dowager. His grannies. But being formal made him think and talk on his own most of the time.

"Son why are you so late? "

His mom was a lovely woman and the most beautiful queen in the country
.She acted as reckless even before her father in law and former king. Pha forced a smile and spoke.

"I would like to marry Wayo. He is my mate. When I talked to HIM ,his eyes changed to blue. It is the proof that he is my queen. When it comes to Kit I liked HIM for a few seconds before I saw Wayo walking towards me. And I dont care İF he is a servant or something similar. "

When Pha looked all of them nobody dared to talk .His grandpa stood abrubtly.

"How dare you to shame our family?  A servant and a prince?  "

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