Even though Aki was confused as to why Zima let Shin sleep here the night, he was more focused on the response from Kaito. "Well, where is the letter goddammit?" Aki said impatiently.

Shin quickly handed it to him. Aki took the paper and saw there was only a sentence on it. 

"Why am I not surprised that this was the dumb self-centered response I was gonna get from him," Aki spat in a frustrated tone. 

The letter simply stated, "Well look who came back looking for me, interesting cause Hino predicted this would happen. Ehhhh I'll debate on giving you a visit."

Aki threw the short responded letter on the floor in frustration, "who does he think he is. I DON'T NEED HIM!" Aki yelled and went backstairs. 

Shin frowned, and heard a door slam upstairs which meant Aki was back in his room. Shin picked up the thrown aside letter and sighed. 


Today was a long school day for Zima. Taking on the challenge of helping along Hapa sure was something. There was helping the kids out, passing out papers, grading papers, tutoring and also having to do the work she was assigned to do, but glad cause she felt more mature. 

As Zima finished up training today with Mamoru. She waited with Mamoru as the children in her team guardians had to pick them up. When Zima all of the parents and guardians finally came and picked up JohnJohn, Ryu, and Sandy. Zima started training a little extra with Shea, doing some martial arts practice.

"Pick up arms up more," Shea said. "Your arms should be up more when blocking."

Just as Zima was about to follow what Shea told her, a voice came from behind. 

"Damn Shea, it's been so darn long since the last time I have seen you." Zima turned around. The voice sounded devilish. Behind her was a young man that was probably her age, maybe a year younger. He was taller than her, his hair was blonde, messy, and stop 5 inches before his eye. He was Asian but Zima was not sure if he was Japanese. He was dressed in black pants, a white short-sleeved shirt, and had a sword holder on the belt of his waist, which also had a sword in it. Zima was about to ask Shea who this young man was when all a sudden Shea drew out her from a shoulder and pointed it straight at the young man. 

"Stand behind me Lady Zima," Shea said in a serious tone while glaring at the young man in front of them.

"Well that's not a way to great an old friend, that you haven't seen in years," said the young male with a smirk. 

"SHEA! Calm down he hasn't even made any sort of threatening move at us, " Zima was standing in the middle of them. 

"Lady Zima this man is a rouge, wanted, and S ranked ninja," said Shea. "He is a threat, and I must report him immediately." 

"Actually you won't be needing to report anything," The young man said walking a step closer to Zima. 

Shea bit her lip and walked closer to Zima as well when she noticed he was moving closer to Zima as well. 

"Back away from her," Shea snarled. 

"I not here to hurt anyone, and besides Aki is looking for me and sent me a letter, but I'm still holding a little grudge against him for leaving me and Hino in the dust, so I wanna meet the brave soul that married him first before we all reunited like a happy family." 

The young mysterious man full of mischievous gave Zima a smile, "and my arent  you a beauty, Aki got lucky I see."

Zima gulped stepping back, and didn't smile back, "Shea who is this?"

"This is Kaito, a long time friend of Lord Aki, Lady Zima you should stand behind me," Shea responded, still holding her sword up.

Zima didn't listen and walked towards Kaito.

Shea looked at her bewildered, "Lady Zima what are you doing?"

Kaito grinned and bowed in a sarcastic way, "well well my Lady Zima,"

"Quit the bullshit," Zima said sternly. "Aki has been looking for you, and for you to play with his feelings and not go to him first shows me what kind of person you are."

That's when Kaito grin turned into a frown. "You have no idea what you're talking about. Lord Aki left me and his brother Hino in the dust. The only person's character you should be questioning is HIM." Kaito took a step toward her, with his fist balled up.

Shea's eyes widened, "Kaito if you take one more step towards her, I swear to the gods I will swing my sword!" Shea shouted.

Zima glared back at Kaito. 

Suddenly Zima could here, Mamoru running to the scene. 

"Hey, Lady Zima you forgot.." Mamoru stopped talking and his eyes widened. "Kaito!" He shouted.

Kaito looked over to see who it was, "This is suddenly becoming a reunion with people I don't really want to see, ugh."

"I want you to meet Aki, come with me home," Zima said.

"Ugh fuck him," Kaito said. Just as he was about to walk away, Zima grabbed his wrist. 

"I said you're coming with me," Zima said sternly. 

Shea quickly used this chance to pin Kaito to the ground and tied a rope on his hands. 

"Ugh, I can't believe I fell for that,"Kaito groaned on the floor.

"Don't worry," Shea chuckled. "Lord Aki has been wanting to see you."

 . . . 

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