"Well I should really get going, I only arrived from Suna a couple of hours ago and there are thing's I want to do." I say as I back away from team eight. Kiba turns from Hinata and smirks "I'll see you later beautiful." I roll my eyes and wave him off. "Sadly"

As I continue walking I get into some of the more indented streets of Konoha where not a lot of people hang out. I narrow my eyes as I spot a familiar orange jumpsuit. Besides him I see two other people. I smile widely realizing who they are. "Shika! Choji!" Both turn around at the sound of their names and I wave happily as I walk over to them.

I take this time to analyze how much they've changed. Choji seems to be sporting a red suit with plated armor on his torso and arms. I can't help but chuckle when I see he has the kanji 'food' on the front of his chest armor. I then look at Shikamaru and smirk. He's still a pineapple.

I look him over to see that his outfit has updated to look like the standard Konoha-Nins outfit. Eh, fair enough.

Shikamaru's eyes widen as I approach them "Wah You two have gotten so tall!" I say, genuinely happy to see them.

These two plus Ino acted like more of a team with me there then my own team when we were younger which is ridiculous.

"Haru my friend! When did you get back?" Chōji asks as I give him a side hug. "Well I got back from Suna not too long ago." I respond as I let go of Chōji and give Shikamaru a full on hug. His eyes widen and his cheeks redden, obviously flustered by my actions.

"You troublesome woman what are you doing?" He awkwardly asks as he attempts getting out of my grip. I pull away and look at me fiercely "hug me back our you'll regret it." I warn.

Shikamaru rolls his eyes and complies, hugging me like a regular person would. "Guys we need to hang out!" I say as I release Shika from my grip. Choji nods as he munches on his chips "Definitely!" Naruto looks at Choji and smiles. Just as always eating like this eh? You're fatter than before!" Naruto jokes making Shika and Choji freeze. 

Suddenly Shikamaru pushes Naruto and I out of harms way to the floor as Choji quickly becomes agitated. Choji's fist becomes huge and he wings a punch, hitting a strange lion ink thing. 

I look at the ink that covers Choji's hand in confusion. "What the?" I ask myself looking at the ink that falls to the ground due to the collision. Suddenly another lion appears "Shikamaru behind you!" Naruto warns. Before Shika could even turn around Choji grabs the lion and squishes it t an extent were the ink loses out of his fist. 

"Are we really being attacked by paintings?" I ask as I touch some of the fallen ink on the floor and inspecting it. 

"No, Haru look over there." Shikamaru says staring straight ahead. I look to his line of vision and frown when I see the pale guy with jet black hair sitting calmly on a rook. "That guy, I haven't seen him before but he wears a leaf headband." Naruto analyzes. 

"It was so sudden. I don't know what he is aiming for but we need to capture him and give him to the interrogation unit!" I watch as Shikamaru preforms a hand sign and a shadow emerges from under him, stretching out just a bit in the pale guy's direction. 

My eyebrows furrow when I watch the pale guy dip his brush in ink and starts quickly paining on the scroll. So we really are battling paintings. . .Cool!

"I'll assist you, go Naruto!" Shikamaru commands. "Right!" Naruto yells as he runs at a fast pace in the pale guy's direction. I narrow my eyes at him, he seems so relaxed for someone who's picking a fight with four other ninja. 

Suddenly a bunch of lions emerge from his scroll and I nod, just what I thought. It seems to be that he paints whatever and it comes to life, this is definitely a unique fighting tactic. I run behind Naruto as backup and glare up at the array of lions. This guy's messing with the wrong people. 

••Tsunade's Office••

"I already feel bad enough for limiting her from going on these missions, and now you want me to put her on twenty four hour surveillance?" Tsunade asks with an arched brow as she sits in front of the town elders. 

"It's not about feeling bad for her, it's about protecting the village! If she has connections to Sasuke Uchiha then how could we be sure she's not plotting against us?" One of the elders speak up. Tsunade slams her hands down on the desk already having enough of them. 

"Are you deliberately trying to run her away from this village?! I absolutely refuse to put her under any type of surveillance. Thats just stupid, let's make her feel like none of us trust her." Tsunade says with a sour taste in her mouth. She already feels guilty about the words she spewed out to her little cousin earlier today, she can't mess-up even more with Haru. 

"Tsunade listen to us, we had her under surveillance when she was younger and she didn't do anything since she knew she was being watched." One of the elders say, only making Tsunade angrier. 

"And she desperately tried leaving the village on multiple occasions because of it, I'm denying your requests and that's final. Her situation with Sasuke Uchiha stays between us. And Danzo." She pauses looking at the old man on the other end of the table. 

"Yes Tsunade-sama?" He asks with a sarcastic undertone. "Don't look through classified information unless you're granted permission. This is your first strike." She says with narrowed eyes before standing up and storming out of the room, Shizune following closely behind. 

The situation with Sasuke was supposed to stay between Haru and Tsunade, but Danzo had to go and look through files where he stumbled upon the pictures. By default he ended up calling a council meeting and exposing the photographs to the elders who were all shocked. 

Tsunade was extremely frustrated with the council, she complied with them when limiting Haru's missions, but putting her on surveillance was going too far. At least she convinced the council that Haru shouldn't go to jail because she was dating an Uchiha. That was just even more ridiculous. 

"Master Tsunade so what are you going to do about Haru?" Shizune asks as she quickly catches up to her blonde sensei. Tsunade glares at nothing in particular and clenches her fists "She's going on that mission to prove those old fucks wrong." 

Shizune's black eyes widen. "W-what!? But remember they overruled your decision to let her go on all those missions!" Shizune says, obviously startled by Tsunade's change of mind. Tsunade clicks her tongue "As long as Haru doesn't do anything stupid then maybe the council will shut the hell up and let her live her life." Tsunade responds. 

"B-but remember what happened between Luna Senju and Yuudai-sensei! Isn't this whole situation a bit too familiar?" Shizune asks as she remembers Haru's parents and how dysfunctional that relationship was in their teenage years. Tsunade nods "It's extremely similar."

"And?" Shizune asks, Tsunade pauses and looks at Shizune. "I have faith that Haru won't stay with Sasuke. She seems a lot less in love with him then Luna ever was with Yuudai." Tsunade assures. 

But in the back of her mind, worry lingered. "Well I hope she's not as in love with him." 


Hello lovely readers! 

Lol you all are so mad at Tsunade rip. 

Anyways she's deciding to let Haru go! And yes, it's basically the elders who are tying to control Haru's life so we should all hate them. 

I have my next chapter almost ready, so be on the lookout for that! 

Let me know what you think in the comments! A bit of the reason as to why everyones worried is revealed!

Will Haru follow her mother's footsteps?

Anyways, I'll see you all next chap! 

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