| 25. | fruit punch

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"So she's now your girlfriend?" Richard asked Devon.

Devon nodded as he hummed, "Yeah." He said. "Is that weird?" He quickly asked.

"I mean, you're not blood related, your parents only dated. It's the least weird version of this type of situation." Richard says honestly as he continued to pop the popcorn.

Devon filled the ice machine, wondering why he felt so weird. "Then why does it feel wrong? Like in a good way but still wrong?"

"Maybe because you're head over heels in love with her? I don't know."

"She's great. I'll always love and care about her, and hell maybe I am already in love with her but isn't it too soon or something? Shouldn't I at least take her on some formal date where we both act awkward the entire time while we pretend like we don't know what to order just so we have something to talk about?"

"You're asking a lot of questions."

"You're my friend, I need help!" Devon exclaims while chuckling softly.

Richard laughed, "Doesn't mean I know a thing about girls, I don't really swing that way." Richard says in defense. "Plus, you're asking a lot of questions that make me believe that you're in love with Nora." He added.

"And if I am? Is that too soon?"

"How long have you two even been together?"

"That's..." Devon trails off. "A complicated question." He says slowly as he thinks about an alternative answer.

"How long have you known her?"

"Like four or five years."

"Then it's fine. More than fine, even, if you've really liked her for that long."

"I don't know. We weren't that close at first, then we moved into this small apartment and had to get used to each other - which we did, turned out we had more in common than we thought. And now, since our parents split, we decided to be roommates."

"You have no idea when you first developed feelings?"

"It was more recent, I know that. I never used to think of her like that and then suddenly I thought she's the most amazing woman out there."

"Just tell her you love her, asshole." Richard says just before a couple walked in and started walking towards them.

Devon sighed before plastering a fake smile on his face. "What can I help you with?" He asked, using that polite business voice he tried using at work. He failed quite often, mostly because he was at a movie theater talking to other teenagers, but also because he couldn't care if he tried.

Devon hated working there. He really wanted a different job that was closer to where Nora and he lived, he was just wasting tons of gas to drive all the way out here to work two or four hour shifts every day.

He served the young couple that looked like they were lucky in love, refraining from asking one of the girls how they knew when they were in love with the other.

"Enjoy your movie." He said, groaning after they were out of eye sight.

He then could see the sea of people suddenly filing in, coming for the next movie times. Devon then really wished that they spread out the showtimes more instead of having each start within twenty minutes of one another, only for him to have to do nothing but give refills for the next hour.

Devon just worked as he was supposed to, taking orders and giving out drinks while Richard handled the popcorn. He tried not thinking about Nora, he also ignored Lindsey's voice he heard giving directions to certain theatres.

Thankfully, he got through the rush fairly quickly. There was a few stragglers coming in and out but most of them didn't get anything and instead just went straight to sit down in their movie.

Devon then saw two younger girls around sixteen or so walk up towards him. He gave the both of them a polite smile, noticing the brunette nudge the redhead.

He almost made a weird confused face but refrained. "Can I get you anything?" He asked.

"Large popcorn and a medium drink, please." The redhead said, looking Devon over.

Devon sighed, putting in their order and giving them a price. The brunette paid the exact amount, having several dollars in change and crumbled bills.

Devon almost wanted to ask her for her parents number to let them know what a little shit their kid was, but he simply counted the change as Richard got their popcorn.

"What would you like to drink?" He asked, his voice rather dry. Devon honestly wondered if he was ever that annoying to any cashier when he was younger and he then really hoped not.

"Suprise us." The redhead said, a half smile on her lips that Devon did not like.

He blinked at her before filling the cup with ice, almost giving them a water, and instead have them fruit punch.

A children's beverage, right? He thought as the cup filled to the brim so that way he wouldn't have to give either of them a refill. He then put a lid on it, setting it in front of them right after Richard put the popcorn down.

"Enjoy your movie." Richard said.

"I hear the animation in the Emoji Movie was great." Devon says glaring towards he two after they walked away.

Richard hit Devon's shoulder. "What else would the tweeners be here for? American Made?"

"Dylan O'Brien is in American Assassin."

"They probably saw that opening day."

"Probably." He replied. "But hey, it's not their fault that you're attractive."

"You crushing on me, Rich?"

"Not my type. Plus, I'm seeing someone." Richard said, lifting his brows at Devon with a smirk plastered on his face before he walked away.

Devon took in a deep breath. He now figured he needed to finish growing out his hair and make sure he had a shaved baby face 24/7 and maybe, maybe, that would help since he'd look like an infant who's not even supposed to be working.

He never got this treatment prior to shaving his head and growing facial hair.

His hair was already growing from when Nora cut it last, it was at an awkward length but when pushed back it looked decent. Devon wasn't sure what to do with it. Dye it? Shave it bald? Trim and dye? He had no idea. He hadn't ever dyed it before, and he had no idea if he wanted to go blond or even a lighter brown but he was sure that he didn't want any kind of weird color. He wasn't in any kind of emo phase - at least not anymore.

Devon cleaned the counters up, prepped more popcorn, and made sure everything was in place for the next rush since Richard went to watch some movie he hadn't seen yet. At least, that's what Devon assumed since Richard still hadn't been back.

Devon really hated this. The waiting, the boredom between the rush, the consistent false hope someone needed a refill and wasn't too into their movie so they could get one. And as much as he hated working there, he had been there for so long. Devon had no idea what else he'd do, he had no idea of what career path he'd take once he was able to go to college.

If he went to college.

When he was growing up, Devon remembered wanting to be a police man, or a teacher because he loved all of his. And now, he doesn't think he could handle any child at any age and he certainly wasn't strong enough, mentally or physically, to do any form of police work. Hell, he'd feel bad for writing a parking or speeding ticket because he knew how much they sucked.

Devon had no clue. He had no idea if he was cut out for a regular office job and even though it's not like he'd get one tommorow, and that in the future he could possibly change his mind, he just didn't see that fit for himself.

"Maybe I'll be a cable man." He said to himself.


(I haven't done a chapter specifically Devon based - at least if I did, I don't recall. so yeah. thought this would be nice.)

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