|11.| cougars

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Nora couldn't sleep. She had another usual nightmare, but this time, Devon was still in bed with her.

She woke up, panting, and apparently she was talking in her sleep. It woke Devon as well, although he didn't know what to do. She was awake before he could do anything else, though, so he simply held her.

But now, he was back asleep and Nora was wide awake. She was off, so she was glad that her sleeplessness wouldn't affect her at work. She stayed in Devon's embrace, her mind wondering to the kiss from the night before.

It didn't feel like it was romantic, more like it was lazy and trying to get a point across. She didn't feel different toward him, she still felt close to him but it wasn't an eye opener, she didn't suddenly fall for him or anything. All she knew, was that she wouldn't mind it happening again.

She just thought it was a weird way for him to shut her up. A simple 'shut up' would've sufficed.

She kept still in his arms, glad she was comfortable enough so she wouldn't fidget and wake him up. He was also still, fast asleep. He didn't snore, but his breaths were shallow and his lips were parted slightly.

She could see sunlight peaking through the window before she knew it. She didn't know how long it had been since she woke up from her nightmare, she figured at least an hour.

She was deep thinking that whole time, her mind wondering around itself and her thoughts caving in on her perception. She was mostly confused by her nightmare rather than scared.

She dreamt of her and Devon being married with kids, nice house, nice things inside it. Being stable, having rug rats running around. It was great, actually, until it turned dark.

Their kids were kidnapped while their house was being robbed, and then she was awake before her dream self could even react.

She didn't have an emotional connection to the kids she didn't have, she couldn't really care much about the children that didn't exist being taken away from her. She was just confused as to why she dreamt of a life with him.

If it was real, it would've been a nice life. At least until shit went sideways, but either way they had a stable home. Not a two bedroom apartment, a two story house with several bedrooms, nice furniture and those annoying neighbors who brought casseroles over.

She longed for those things even though she knew she shouldn't. She craved normalcy, she craved a privilege she thought she didn't deserve and a luxury she couldn't afford. It hadn't ever even bothered her, but it did after that dream.

Nothing in that dream was even real, it was her subconscious running wild. She sighed softly and she perked her head up from Devon's chest, looking at the clock.

It was barely seven in the morning, but this was the usual time she had to be at work. Her body was used to the routine already and she didn't want to throw herself off by sleeping in. She looked back Devon, seeing as his eyes were open.

"Morning, sunshine." He says lowly, his voice gravely due to the fact he just woke up. He was shirtless still, and by the way she could feel skin against her legs, he really was only wearing underwear.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty." She says, getting up. Thankful that her large shirt was long enough to reach mid-thigh, she walked out of their room and to the kitchen.

She looked out the window and only saw her and Devon's car, meaning nobody was home yet. She sighed softly and opened the fridge.

She pulled out a few breakfast essentials like eggs, cheese, hash browns, and sausage. She was hungry, she also knew the sausage was about to expire so why not go ahead and make an awesome breakfast?

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