|4.| fries and milkshakes

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|4.| fries and milkshakes




"Yes, right there." She moans in my ear. I groaned, quickening my pace and keeping my grip on her thighs, making sure I didn't drop her.

"Fuck, Devon." She whined out and I shushed her. She then kept her face buried in my shoulder, my shirt muffling her noises. I sighed as I finally felt her come around me, her walls clenching.

She inhaled deeply as she tried catching her breath. I was still holding her against the wall, letting her come down from her high.

What was wrong with me? I couldn't even come for fucks sake.

"That was amazing." Lindsey whispered, bringing her lips back to mine. She tried sliding her tongue in my mouth and I pulled away then, setting her down.

I pulled my pants back up and buckled my belt, fixing my shirt as she also got redressed. She kissed my cheek as she sauntered out of the bathroom stall we were in.

I sighed and ran a hand over my face, smelling her on it. I walked out of the stall in the empty bathroom and went to the sink.

As I scrubbing my hands, completely frustrated in more ways than one, I couldn't stop wondering why the whole time I thought about Nora.


"Hey." Nora greets as I hop in the car. She was driving due to the fact she had to attend work after I did and didn't want to go in early. Otherwise, I usually drove.

"How was you shift?" I ask as she started driving.

She sighed, "I got fired." she said softly. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why? What happened?" I asked.

"Well the other day there was this homeless man who took some food out of the display - the food I normally bring home or give away on the way home - and I ignored it." She starts, shrugging.

"However, Robert made a big a deal about it and told the manager I let it slide and hit him." She finishes.

I chuckle slightly, "You hit him?" I asked, slightly amused.

"More like shoved."

I laughed softly as she kept on driving us home. "What about you? How was your shift?" She asked and I shrugged. I didn't say much else, let alone anything about me and Lindsey.

Normally, Nora would be the first I'd tell about this sort of thing and hell, most of the time she was the one who high-fived me. It felt like a mistake, screwing in the bathroom of the movie theatre I worked at, it wasn't even satisfying.

I didn't know if it was me or Lindsey, but either way I couldn't let it happen again.

I felt a shove on my thigh and turned my attention to Nora. "What?" I asked, confused.

"Are you hungry?" She asked as if it was the tenth time. "When aren't I hungry?" I say and she grins softly.


She took a detour to Denny's considering it was the only thing open that would stay open for another while. It was already past midnight, plus it was her request and since she got fired I didn't want to deny her a simple luxury of french fries and a milkshake.

As we parked and were seated, I felt my phone buzz. Seeing Lindsey's name, I pressed decline and shoved it back in my pocket.

"Should I get vanilla or chocolate?" She asks, looking at the smaller drink menu.

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