| 20. | crack habits

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Nora was livid.

She was also upset, now knowing where the money was going and that there wasn't any kind of mix up.

80% of her paychecks, gone. In the wind. Wasted on bullshit.

Devon was equally upset, but he tried remaining calm and collected for her. They are moving into the complex they visited and had been eyeballing for some time now, but he couldn't be excited. The way he they both finally got to move out was because they were evicted, and he knew Nora probably would've waited a while before moving in with him if they hadn't have had to leave.

A part of him was excited, another part was still pissed at Nora's mother.

Neither of them were too excited to see her when she got back, which according to her text messages would be within the hour. Melina didn't know that they knew, Melina didn't know they were even being evicted.

"What do we say to her?"

""Fuck off', "leave', "we packed your shit for you'?" Nora suggested as she folded a box closed rather than taping it since none of this stuff was going to a storage unit.

Thankfully. Nora hated putting stuff in storage units because she knew she'd never see any of it ever again.

"You'd actually say any of those things to your mother?"

"Last one, yeah." Devon sighed.

"I talked to your grandparents, they said that she can't stay with them. She can only visit Kenzie and that's it." Nora looked at Devon.

"What the hell are we going to do with her then? She's not moving in with us, I'm not supporting any crackheads plus she'll never leave."

"So what do we do? Move our shit and dip? You'd seriously leave your mother here homeless after everything you two have been through together including being actually homeless?"

"This is different, Devon." Nora said, her tone thick and low and her finger in his face. "She's been snorting all of my fucking pay checks, do you seriously think I don't know what my mother will do in order to get money? She'll either take it out of our wallets, pawn our stuff, or bitch about how she was in labor with me for 36 hours."

Devon sighed. "You're right, but I'm not going to just leave her out on the streets to fend for herself."

"She's not a stray dog. She knows people in this town, she'll find somewhere." Nora says, letting out a sigh as she picked up a somewhat heavy box and takes it outside to their car.


"Our first apartment." Devon says with a soft sigh as they both stand side by side in the living room area. It was completely empty afar from the boxes they just put down, but they knew eventually they'd get some furniture and stuff.

It actually was two stories, the staircase lead to a full bathroom and two bedrooms. Downstairs, it was simply a kitchen, living and dining area, a half bathroom, and a random closet under the stairs that reminded Devon of Harry Potter.

Nora didn't know how to feel. Yes, she was happy they were able to find a place so quickly and easily since neither of them were on the previous lease, the one they pretty much broke due to an eviction, and they didn't even have to worry about multiple bills or turning water on since everything was included.

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