|3.| coconut oil

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|3.| coconut oil


"How was work?" Nora asks Devon as he walks into their room. Nora was reading a book, her favorite music playing in the background. She was trying to enjoy her day off.

Devon sighed as laid down flat on his stomach on the bed next to her, not answering her question.

"That bad?" She asked and he huffed. She sighed as she put the receipt she got when she bought the book to make her place and set it on the table next to the bed.

"You see, this would be a time I'd play with your hair to make you feel better but then you just had to go and chop it all off." She says and he chuckled slightly.

"Technically you chopped it off, darling." He says, moving around so he was now laying on his back. "Come here." He whispered softly, opening up his arms. Nora looked at him with furrowed eyebrows but nonetheless laid in his arms.

It felt slightly weird for her, mainly because sentimental touch wasn't something she normally received. She and Devon hadn't really cuddled before either. However, it was nice and Devon didn't seem to think twice about it.

He took the rubber band out of her hair in one swift motion, glad it didn't get caught in her hair. She didn't seem to care much towards the action and he then ran his fingers through her thick hair.

Her hair was naturally curly, it wasn't a super tight curl but it wasn't very loose either. She had her mother's hair, and her and her mother were both Hispanic. Devon always liked her hair natural, but Nora would think otherwise.

Nora's breathing slowed as he continued to run his fingers through the soft fibers that smelt like the coconut oil he put in his coffee. He liked the soft aroma, it always reminded him of her since she was the one who suggested he try it in his coffee. And ever since, he hated his coffee without it.

"Don't fall asleep, we got zombies to kill." He says quietly, shaking her gently as he noticed her breathing patterns.

"Then stop playing with my hair." She whines quietly. He then obeyed, stopping his movements.

After a while, she whined again and put his hand back in her hair. Devon smirked yet said nothing about the action. Nora moved closer into his chest, tangling her legs with his. At first she wasn't sure if she liked being this close to someone, especially Devon, but now she liked the comfort that it gave her.

"How was work?" She asked again softly, trying to stay awake so they could play video games. "There's a new girl, her name is Lindsey." He says. After he doesn't say anything else, Nora asks.


"She's really sweet. I have to train her, though, and she isn't really understanding the system and stuff." He says, his hands still tangled in her hair.

"Is she cute?"

"Oh no, no. Don't take her away from me, at least give me a fighting chance first." He says and Nora laughs. Devon could feel her cheeks expand against his chest which made a smile break out onto his face as well.

Suddenly, they both heard the front door open and they both broke apart. Devon pretended to be invested in his phone and Nora got up and stood in front of the shelves that contained all their movies.

Totally not obvious.

Clay, Devon's father, stuck his head through their bedroom door. "What are you guys up to?" He asks with a smile. Nora turns to face him and shrugs. "Nothing much, you?" She says vaguely.

"Just got home from Alan's." He claims although Nora saw the lie. You couldn't lie to Nora, it didn't matter how well she knew you or didn't know you, she could smell bullshit from a mile away.

Devon, however, didn't see it until Nora brought it up a while ago. He doesn't know what to think about his father's behavior and whereabouts, all he knows is that Nora's mother deserves more than this. He was also uncomfortable at the mention of Alan, he shook it off and stood up.

"Where have you really been?" Devon asked, face to face with Clay. He was a few inches taller than his father was, he didn't know how but his father was a relatively short man. He blankly starred at his father.

Clay looks at his son for a moment, thinking he was joking. Clay then scoffed out a laugh, "I just told you, with Alan and a couple of the boys." He says. Devon glared at his father before Clay just walked out of the room.

"Whatever." Clay said in a joking tone, making a random gesture with his hands and walking into his and Melina's room. Nora sighed softly.

"He's lying." She says before heading out to the room and into the living room. She saw Kenzie watching cartoons on TV and gasped.

"Hi, gorgeous." She said, going in front of the couch and picking her up. "How was grandma's?" Nora asked with a smile. She bounced Kenzie in her arms and Kenzie giggled.

"It was fun, gamps and gran took me and Ethan to the park and a baseball game." She says excitedly in her broken language. Nora smiled at her and sat with her little sister in her lap.

"Ooh, that sounds like fun. Did you see Missy?" She asks, referring to her aunt, Ethan's mother.

Kenzie nodded, her long dark brown curly locks bouncing when she did. "Yes, she took me and primó Ethan out to eat." She says and then lists off tons of other things she did during the week. Nora listened to every word with a smile.

Devon was leaning on the wall behind them, watching them have their exchange. Kenzie then noticed her brother and pointed to him.

"Devon! Devon! Devon!" She chanted and he came over to the couch. Nora handed her over and let her sit in his lap. "Hey, beautiful, did you have fun?" He asked and she nodded, telling him all the same things she told Nora.


but like think about Devon with a child my heart is swelling.

also, just to clarify once again, Devon and Nora are not blood related. and there will be more shit and drama happening soon.


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