|5.| nightmares

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|5.| nightmares


"Devon?" Nora whispered. Her head was peaked through their room door, and he was on his phone, probably scrolling through social media.

He moved his phone over and looked up. "Yeah? Are you okay?" He asked and she sighed. She crawled into the bed next to Devon, not exactly pressing herself to him but not being far away either.

However, he noticed her tear stained cheeks and put his phone on their nightstand. He then wrapped his arm around her and threaded his fingers through the fibers of her hair. She sighed softly, completely exhausted but being unable to sleep regardless of the fact it was close to three in the morning.

"This sounds lame but they're not real, you know?" He whispered.

"I know, but they feel real." Nora answers, pressing her face in the crook of his neck and breathing in his scent.

This wasn't the first time Nora came to Devon about nightmares she had but they never really cuddled up when Nora came to him. She had barely mentioned them until one night it had something to do with Devon, and she felt worried and worked up over it.

And ever since, she always felt okay with going to him for comfort. The nightmares usually happened almost nightly, although she only went to him when it was extremely bad.

Tonight, it was pretty horrific.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Devon asked and Nora didn't reply for a while. She just laid perfectly still in his arms as he continued playing with her hair, something he recently found out she loved.

"You shot yourself in front of me." She finally whispered. She closed her eyes, pressing herself closer to him. The dream was simple enough but it still scared her nonetheless. It was fairly vivid, she woke up gasping and crying, she honestly felt like she was going to make herself sick because of the constant sobs that racked through her body.

Devon was surprised. First, that she actually told him for once, and second, because he didn't think she had them about him. She didn't know she cared about him so much but then again, if he had the same vivid dream he'd probably go to her even more hysterical. She seemed a bit calmer than he would be in the situation and it pained him to think it was because she was used to it.

"I wouldn't ever do that in front of you." He said. He continued playing with her hair as he had stopped due to his momentary shock. Nora noticed how careful he was with the words he spoke, but she didn't say anything in that moment.

That may have been her first mistake.


short but decent, I think. it's a filler, I'm probably going to have in depth chapters like this where you get to see these kinds of moments. I feel like they give more knowledge of their relationship and stuff and if you're wondering, they haven't done the dirty at any point, they haven't fully kissed either. They have come close which I loosely mentioned, but it wasn't a big deal so I didn't write it in.

plus it's a cliché. "ah, yes. finally. the couple we've all been waiting to kiss are so close to touching lips.... BUT WAIT. RIGHT WHEN THEY BRUSH LIPS SOMEONE COMES IN AND FUCKS IT ALL UP. MUST WAIT SEVENTEEN MORE FRUSTRATING CHAPTERS TO SEE YOUR SHIP SAIL." yeah, no. y'all have read enough of that.

btw, my birthday is on the 29th, all I want is a laptop so I can write more and French fries honestly


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