| 24. | complete sentences

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"Why are you up so early?" Nora asked, her voice groggy as she walked into their kitchen.

Devon looked over at her from the stove, "Its like half past 11." He says, giving her a look.

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the time on the oven and surely enough, the time read 11:37. Nora groaned as she walked away from the area and sat down on the couch. She could still see Devon from where she was sitting, and she watched him as he continued to cook whatever it was he was making.

"Quinoa actually isn't bad, I just wish there was a prewashed boil in a bag version of it so I wouldn't have to do so much work." He then said loudly enough for her to hear.

"You seriously made quinoa?"

"You brought it home, I'm just trying to make sure that it doesn't go to waste." He says defensively.

Nora laid her head on the couch and groaned out again as she clutched a throw pillow to her body. She sighed as she closed her eyes, trying to ignore the discomfort she felt in her abdomen. It was her one day off, and as much as she'd rather go through these motions in the comfort of Devon's company, she'd also rather get a day off where she was motivated enough to actually do something.

"Mother nature is really over-welcoming her stay." Nora heard Devon say as he walked over to her.

"How do you even know my cycle?"

"I have that app thing-"

"Why do you have a period tracker app when you don't have a vagina?"

"Yes because I need to know when to be a decent and considerate man and have things like breakfast and ibuprofen ready." He said on a nonchalant tone as he held his hand down, trying to put something in Nora's.

"You're always a decent and considerate man." She says as she held her hand out and he placed the blue liquid tabs in her palm, handing her a bottle of water as well. She then sat up to take the pills as Devon walked back to the kitchen and came back with two plates of food.

They then sat and ate the food Devon made while they watched Judge Judy, Nora remaining slightly impressed by how he managed to both not burn the food or forget to season it.

"Thank you." She said as he took her plate from her after she finished.

Nora knew it probably wasn't the best thing to lay down right after eating but she still felt slight discomfort and laid down anyways. She positioned the pillow so it was underneath her head, supporting it, as she continued to watch television.

Devon eventually came out of the kitchen and instantly put his hand under Nora's head, lifting it as he moved the pillow and let her lay on his lap after he sat down. They both moved around slightly, getting situated before remaining in a comfortable silence.

Devon ran his bare knuckles on Nora's stomach, her not caring about her sweater riding up so far. Her cramps had subsided and she was no longer in pain, however Nora simply thought the gesture itself was calming and felt nice. She smiled softly as Devon's willingness to do everything in his power to make sure she felt comfortable, and she honestly couldn't ask for anything better.


"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty." Devon said as he poked her cheek and squeezed her arm.

His leg went numb nearly half an hour ago, he refused to move or wake her up but now she was just sleeping the day away and he just couldn't have that. Devon thought of something he could take her to go do that didn't require her to wear anything fancier than a sweatshirt leggings because, god forbid, he actually get her awake and tell her she had to change out of what she felt comfortable in.

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