Chapter 26

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I kept driving around while looking around for any nearby buildings. I felt slightly uncomfortable as I was driving. I turned on the radio to calm my nerves but all there was, was the sound of static. I turned it off and kept driving. I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder. I cursed and searched for the first aid kit.

I found a small area where I thought I couldn't be seen. I parked my car and opened the first aid kit. I took out the rubbing alcohol, stitching needle, a clean thread, and cotton balls. I also took out a small towel that was inside. I poured some of the alcohol onto the towel and got ready for the pain that was soon to come.

I dabbed the towel onto my wound wincing a little bit at the pain. Once I was done cleaning the wound I grabbed the stitching needle and thread. I put the string through the needles hole and tied it's end. I slowly pushed the needle into my skin on both ends of the wound. I soon finished stitching my wound and wrapped a gauge around it.

Once done with cleaning my wounds I started to pull out of the area I was in. I soon noticed that the car wouldn't budge. I kept trying but continued to stay in place.

"Shit!" I yelled while hitting the wheel.

I slightly opened the car door and checked around the car. The two back wheels were slashed. I only kept one spare tire so I was screwed. The only other option that I had was to run and hide. I quickly grabbed my bag and shut my car door. I took out my phone in case I needed the flashlight.

I started to walk cautiously while crouching near the ground. I heard something run fast in the bushes so I quickly his behind a tree. I remembered that Eren could probably smell my scent which was bad. The one option I had though, was to cover myself in dirt even if I hated it. I quickly grabbed a handful of dirt and started to cover myself with it.

I got up slowly and started walking again. While walking I was jumped and I fell onto the ground. I made my body get up only to be pushed down. When I turned my head I saw those yellow eyes and sharp teeth ready to feast. My eyes widened as I tried to get away. Eren had pulled my hair and bit my neck harshly. I screamed in agony as he continued to do so.

I managed to roll my body and land on top of him. I kicked his knee and started to run. He howled and started to run after me. I felt myself become weaker as I kept on running. I quickly leaned against a tree to catch my breath. Afterwards I continued to run with a faster pace. I felt a tree branch stab the side of my stomach and I pulled it out quickly.

I clenched my fresh wound tightly to try stopping the bleeding. As I was running I heard a loud growl behind me. I ran to different directions trying to get away. While running I tripped on a tree root. My wound opened a bit more while falling. I coughed up blood when I had landed on the ground.

Without having the strength to stand I used my arm to drag my body through the dirt. I also used my lower body strength to support myself. I could feel myself becoming dizzy as I was losing a critical amount of blood. I could slowly start seeing headlights in the distance. My last little ray of hope was soon destroyed when someone picked me up and threw me.

I coughed up a large amount of blood due to the large impactMy head started to hurt even more than before. I reached for my bag and took out my pocketknife. Since I landed on my back I rolled my body and supported myself with my elbows. I slid my knees close to me so I could support my whole body.

I slowly got up and revealed the hidden sharp metal from my hand. Today was a day that I wasn't going to die and I would make sure of that.

"Come at me bitch." I whispered angrily as I started to walk slowly.

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