Chapter 18

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A/N Hey guys I'm sorry for not uploading I was on a small family vacation and I couldn't upload cause I was busy but at least I got this chapter done!

Third person POV

Eren soon arrived at Levis house and immediately got out of the car. He ram to the front and grabbed the doorknob. He shook it furiously and decided to just kick the door down. He kicked it multiple times before it finally dropped to the ground. He ran to Levi's room rather quickly though he found nothing but his phone.

He quickly ran to the bathroom afterwards. When he opened the door he was petrified by what he saw. He yelled and ran towards Levi's body. He checked for a pulse and was thrilled to find a very faint one.

"Just hang on, ok Levi?"

He ran back to Levi's room and grabbed his phone. Since he didn't know his password he used the emergency call button. He dialed 911 and ran back to Levi while the phone rang. Someone picked up and his heart raced.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"Yes hello um my b-boyfriend just tried to kill himself and he has a very faint pulse and I need to send an ambulance now!"

"Sir please calm down w-"

"Calm down?! Calm down?! How the fuck do you expect me to calm down when my boyfriend is on the verge of dying?!"

"Sir we are sending the paramedics right now just please sit tight and take deep breaths."

"What fucking ever!"

He hung up and threw the phone across the room. He kept his fingers near Levi's neck for the pulse in case it went away. He sat down and pulled his knees close to him. He looked at Levi and his stomach had started to growl. He groaned and clenched his stomach with his hand. When he blinked his eyes turned a bright yellow.

He started growling and drool was trailing down from his mouth. He looked towards Levi and licked his lips hungrily. He crawled slowly towards his neck while panting. He opened his mouth getting ready to bite his victim. He stopped suddenly when his ears perked up at the sound of the ambulance close by. 

He blinked his eyes and went back to the position he was in. He made sure to bring his ears back to the inside of his head. He wiped off the drool with his sleeve and put water at the edges of his eyes. He squeezed his cheeks and under his eyes to make it seem like he was wiping his tears. He started to sniffle to make it seem real.

Once the ambulance was at the door he got up and ran to open it. He slammed it opened and yelled at them to help Levi get to safety. They told him to calm down but he kept yelling. They took him outside and once they placed Levi on a gurney they explained his conditions. Eren's eyes widened when they said that the chances of him surviving was critical.

He started to actually cry silently as he covered his mouth. One of the nurses rubbed his back while he collapsed to the floor. One hand was holding him up but he felt like his body was giving up.

"No, no, no, why?"

You don't even love him, why are you getting all teary eyed?

"I-I f-fuck." He whispered

"Are you alright sir?"

"I...y-yeah I'm fine."

She nodded and got up to walk inside of the van. She told Eren that he could go inside as well and he walked inside. They closed the doors and he gripped Levi's hand. He squeezed it a little bit and felt a tear run down his cheek. He felt something wipe away the tear and he looked at the nurse.

"He'll be ok, I'm sure he'll want to fight through it to see you again." She smiled lightly and turned back at Levi.

He smiled and whispered a thank you to the nurse. The voice in his mind kept telling him that he shouldn't have been crying over him but he couldn't help it. He did love Levi and nothing could change that. He kept a hold of Levi's hand through the hold ride to the hospital. He took deep breaths and started to remember the night he told Levi not to be embarrassed about his scars.

He wanted to stay strong for Levi and he wanted Levi to stay strong for him as well.

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