Chapter 3

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Third person POV

Levi woke up from one of the best slumbers he's ever had. The put his hand through his hair and started getting ready for the day.  He washed his face and left the bathroom soon after but he couldn't figure out why he felt like he was being watched. He went to the kitchen and realized he didn't have any food when he checked the refrigerator. He sighed, changed, then grabbed his car keys. He walked to his car and opened the door. Right as he was going to sit down he heard a rustle in the bushes. He looked in the direction of where the sound came from. He shook his head and proceeded to do what he was doing.

He placed the keys inside the ignition and noticed that the car was colder than usual. He turned up the heat and waited until the car was ready to go. He started driving to the grocery store while listening to music on the radio. He started feeling anxious and started tapping his finger on the steering wheel. Just as the street light turned red he took deep breaths.

He soon arrived at the grocery store and locked the door. While walking inside he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. Every corner he turned, every aisle he was in, even when he was looking at the meat choices. Having finished finding everything he decided to find new cleaning supplies. He walked into the aisle and bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't do bump into you."

"It's fine, I wasn't really looking anyway."

The person reached out their hand for a hand shake.

"My name's Eren, what might yours be?"

Levi was hesitant to shake the hand at first since he had a strange feeling but still shook it anyway.


"Nice to meet you Levi."

"Uh yeah you too."

He looked at Eren's eyes and noticed that they were a beautiful teal color mixed with green and a tint of gold at the brim of his pupil. He though they looked like the sea but even better, he just couldn't stop looking at them.

"What? Something on my face?"

Levi was soon knocked out of his trance as he heard Eren speak.

"Huh? I-I mean n-no there's nothing o-on it."

Eren couldn't help but let a smirk form on his face. He started looking at Levi's collar bone and wanted to pull him close and devour him right then and there. He knew he had to wait though.

"Oi brat stop staring, and you look creepy with that look on your face too."

Not that I mind though

"Oh sorry it's just you sounded cute when you stuttered."

"What?! Shut up." He said while pouting.

"Well I guess I should be going now, it was nice to meet you Levi." He let out an accent when saying his name.

Levi couldn't help but put his hands in his face while blushing like crazy.
Eren smirked again and looked at how Levi was so flushed just because of one little thing he said.

"Hey Levi?"

"What?" His voice was muffled due to his hands still being on his face.

"Want to exchange numbers?"

Levi's face was soon a crimson red at this moment.

"I uhh I y-yeah s-sure."

Levi pulled out his phone and handed it to Eren as Eren handed his phone to Levi. They started typing each other's number.

As Eren was passing Levi his phone back he couldn't help but let out a grin waiting for Levi's reaction when he saw the contact name. Levi's eyes widened as he kept blushing at the contact name.


"How cute."

"I-it's not cute!" Levi pouted.

Eren reached out his hand and stroked Levi's cheek.

"I'll talk to you later, Levi~."

He started walking away with a smirk on his face as Levi just stood there stammering and blushing like a hot mess. While stammering he was looking side to side and pointing his finger to check if anybody had seen the recent event. After a while he calmed down and started heading out the store.

While heading out he felt the same feeling of being watched again. Little did he know that it was Eren watching him in his black hoodie from a dark corner of the store.

"Levi, what a nice name."

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