Chapter 4

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Third person POV

Levi soon arrived home and plopped down on his couch expecting his groceries to already be in place. He took out his phone and noticed he got a text from Eren. He opened it and it was a video of Levi in the store stammering and blushing.

"Someone still flustered from what I did?" He whispered in the video.

"That damn brat."

Eren turned the camera to his face and blowed a kiss then winked afterward. Levi was now looking like a tomato. He dropped his phone and put his hands to his face. His heart was beating rapidly and it was starting to get harder to breathe.

He ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. He downed the bottle and started to feel better. He noticed the groceries weren't in place and he groaned.

"Oh so now you don't want to do anything!"

He sighed, took out the items, and put them in place. As he was putting the items in place he heard a vibration from the living room. He forgot about his phone being on the floor and picked it up.

Eren: hey, did you like the my little surprise? ;)

Levi: no I didn't, next time you record me without me knowing I'll beat you.

Eren: oh feisty are we?

Levi: shut up

Eren: anyway, want to hang out tomorrow? If you're not busy.

Levi: uh yeah sure I guess.

Eren: it's a date then :)

Levi: what?! Just because we're hanging out doesn't mean it's a date brat!

Eren: I know you want it to be though

Levi: yeah, yeah whatever brat I'll see you tomorrow.

Eren: wait, we don't even know what time we're meeting.

Levi: idc what time, whatever is fine.

Eren: ok then I'll meet you at the park at 2:30

Levi: k, see you tomorrow


Levi: ...

Eren: 😏

Levi: bye

Eren: bye Levi~

Levi turned off his phone and started blushing again. He ran a hand through his hair and continued what he was doing. Feeling uneasy he plugged in his phone to his speakers. He started singing to the songs that played not giving a care if he was one of the loudest singers in the world.

Eren was hiding in a bush watching Levi with a smirk. He hungrily licked his lips as he noticed Levi's shirt slip off his shoulder.

"Soon enough you'll be mine to feed on."

When he blinked his eyes turned yellow and his teeth had sharp points at the end. He bit his hand and licked the blood that trailed onto his arm. He did this when he was hungry for blood and meat to control himself.

"Soon enough, I just have to wait."

Ba dump! *screen goes black*
I hoped you guys enjoyed this new chapter of my Halloween special and that little extra part was just because I think of this story as a movie or something.

Night Howler (Ereri Halloween Special)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon