Chapter 23

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Third person POV

They all sat inside the car in awkward silence. Eren being in the front since Gunther suggested that Levi lay down in the back just to help his condition some more. Eren turned his head to check on Levi and noticed he was asleep. He brought his attention back to the road even if he wasn't the one driving. Gunther then reached his hand put to the radio and they listened to whatever played.

"So, Eren, how did you and Levi meet?"

Eren was caught off guard by this question but still managed to answer it.

"Well, we bumped into each other in the cleaning section of a grocery store and that's where I made my first move to embarrass him."

"Ah I see, so you're the what's it called again? The seme in the relationship?"

"Seme? What's that?"

"Well my friend Hanji told me ab-"

"Wait, you know Hanji?"

"Of course she's one of my close friends."

"She's also Levi's close friend."

"Really? She's never talked about him or introduced him, or maybe she did talk about him but I didn't listen."

"That must be cool. You guys should get closer since Hanji knows the both of you."

"Yeah, maybe."

They continued to listen the music and enjoy the car ride. They soon arrived at Levi's place and Eren woke him up by lightly shaking him. Levi woke up and blinked his eyes to clear the blurriness. He rubbed both of his eyes and looked at his surroundings. He saw Eren in front of him and smiled. They pecked each other's lips and hugged.

Gunther cleared his throat and they pulled away blushing. The thanked Gunther and got out of his car. They walked to Levi's house and realized that the door was still open. Levi gasped and ran inside to make sure nobody stole anything. Everything was in place and he sighed in relief. Eren closed the door behind him and walked towards Levi.

He lifted Levi's chin and kissed him sweetly. He gently pushed Levi to the wall and deepened the kiss. Levi wrapped his arms around Eren's neck and wrapped his right leg around his waist. Eren picked up his left leg and wrapped it around himself. He started grinding their clothed erections together and Levi panted.

"A-ah E-Ere-hyah~"

Eren started kissing his jaw and started trailing kisses down his neck. Levi gasped as Eren bit his collarbone. He layed his head on the wall behind as he enjoyed the sweet and sexual sensation. Eren lifted up Levi's shirt and threw it on the ground next to him. He took off his own shirt and walked to Levi's room as he carried him. Levi kicked the door closed behind him and they enjoyed each other for the rest of the night.

*late night time skip*

Levi woke up around two in the morning as he felt his throat was dry. He coughed and cleared his throat dryly and tried getting up from the bed but was unable to. He looked at Eren's sleeping body and sighed. He slowly lifted his arm off of him and silently crawled out of bed. He winced at the pain in his waist but soon started to ignore it as he walked.

He didn't care if he was walking around the house naked at this point. He grabbed a bottle of water and started drinking it quickly. He finished it and threw it away in his recycle bin. His stomach growled and he decided to make an early breakfast. He grabbed four eggs, bacon, and pancake mix.

He put one of his pans on the stove and placed a piece of butter on it. It made a sizzling sound and let out a little bit of smoke. He grabbed a spoon and moved it around the pan. He cracked one egg after another and moved them around until they were a light shade of yellow. He placed another piece of butter on the pan after putting the eggs on a plate.

He placed three pieces of bacon on the pan and turned around only to find the eggs gone. He knitted his eyebrows together in confusion and scratched his head. He thought it was just his mind messing with him and he turned around thinking the eggs would appear again. He continued cooking more bacon and placing those on a separate plate.

He started making the pancake mix and getting another pan ready on the stove. He noticed that the bacon was gone as well and he groaned. He was too tired to deal with any mishaps around the house.

"Give them the fuck back would you?"
He asked the silence around him, he shook his head just decided to continue what he was doing.

Once he was done with the pancakes he grabbed syrup from the refrigerator and when he closed it the pancakes were gone. He groaned loudly and ran his hand through his hair. He heard a small snicker and stood still to see if he could hear anything else. He heard heavy breathing and looked over the bar of his kitchen.

He saw Eren with the plates of food and covering his mouth with his hand. Levi smirked and started to lean over the bar. He outstretched his arms and scared Eren by surprise. Levi yelled and so did Eren, he jumped up and hit his head by surprise. He cursed and rubbed his head.

"Shit Levi you scared me to death."

"Well that's what you get for stealing my food."

Levi looked at Eren's lower regions and blushed. Eren smirked and looked at Levi's lower region this time. He licked his lips hungrily and walked towards Levi. He picked him up and wrapped both of his legs around his waist.

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