Chapter 20

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Third person POV

Eren walked slowly while silently crying and smiling. He lightly took a hold of Levi's hand and kissed it as a tear ran down his cheek. He put it up to his chest as he took deep breaths. He ran a hand down Levi's arm and admired the smooth skin. It was then he had an idea in mind.

But......will it work?

He pulled Levi's arm close to his face and found the right spot where there would be the most pain. First he blew cold air onto it to see if there would be any type of reaction. The arm shook a little and he was relieved. He took off the mask that helped Levi breath and gently placed his hand on his mouth.

"Here goes nothing." He whispered

He fiercely bit into Levi's wrist and it drew blood. Levi's eyes shot open and his screams were muffled. Eren panted through his nose and drank the blood from his wrist. Levi had tears running down his cheeks and looked at Eren. Once he was done he pulled away Levi's arm and wiped away the blood from his mouth.

Levi was breathing hard and crying from the pain. Eren lifted his hand slowly and looked at Levi with teary but happy eyes. He whispered an "it worked" and Levi kept crying out of confusion and pain.

"What the hell Eren." He whispered

Eren grabbed Levi's hand and caressed his wrist. He whispered an "I'm sorry" and intertwined his fingers with Levi's. Levi had asked what the reason was for biting him and Eren had explained it to him. Levi sighed with a shaky breath and ran a hand through his hair.

"I should put this on you now."

He placed the oxygen mask back onto Levi's face and he took deep breaths to help his composure. Eren apologized again but Levi insisted that it was ok. They sat together in the silence with only the sound of Levi's loud breathing due to the machine. Eren kept caressing Levi's wrist and mumbled inaudible I'm sorries.

One of the nurses who's name was Sasha came in with a clipboard and a bag of chips she was eating. Levi quickly his his wrist in the blankets. Sasha froze in her place and held her jaw wide open.

"H-h-h-he's awake!"

She yelled at the other doctors and nurses to let them know that Levi had woken up. They ran into the room and everyone gasped, including Gunther. He was relieved that he actually woke up and was well. He told everyone to go back to what they were doing. Once everyone left he walked up to the side of Levi's bed and sighed.

"I knew you could do it Levi."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I had faith that you were going to wake up sooner or later."

"Oh, thank you for believing in me."

Gunther turned to Eren and smiled kindly to him after whispering "don't let him slip away." Eren nodded and Gunther walked out. He looked at them through the small door window. He smiled to himself and went back to his work.

Eren removed Levi's oxygen mask since he asked him to. Levi pulled his face closer to his and they pecked each others lips. Eren smiled and placed the mask back on. He stayed with Levi for the rest of the night and they slept next to each other in the bed. One of the doctors came in to tell them good news but noticed that they were asleep.

He smiled, walked out, and put a note on the door so nobody would disturb them. The two layed comfortably on the hospital bed but Eren started stirring in his sleep. He growled and a trail of saliva ran down to his jaw. He opened his eyes and could smell the blood from the bite he left on Levi's wrist. He sniffed it and licked the remaining blood from it. He wanted more of his delicious blood but he knew it would cause more pain for him.

He decided to bite his own hand and starting drinking his blood. Even if he bit his hand he knew that wouldn't satisfy his hunger. He needed something more, something that could fill him up for the time being. He got up from the bed slowly and opened the door. He looked for any kind of prey that would satisfy him and his hunger while walking around in the hospital.

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