Chapter 7

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Third person POV

As Levi drove away he played some music and couldn't help but keep smiling at the recent events. He tried to stop smiling by covering his mouth but he just couldn't. He even giggled sometimes and got weird faces from random people driving. Whenever he noticed he would flick them off.

He soon arrived home and was skipping to his house. He started humming and plopped down on his couch. He picked up his phone and started playing music while singing to it. He started dancing dancing around the house but is soon interrupted by a loud sound from outside.

He walked toward the window to check what it was but then thought it was just some animals messing around in the trees. He continued what he was doing but soon decided to start cleaning. He plugged in his phone to his speaker and blasted the music. He swayed his hips while brooming everywhere in the house.

Eren cursed silently as he realized he made a really loud noise. He ducked behind a bush and looked through the small hole the leaves made. He saw Levi checking outside but he soon left the area from where the window was. Eren sighed in relief and got back up to go behind a nearby tree. He felt himself starting to pant. His eyes turned yellow while he was panting.

Levis body was just too beautiful for Eren to resist. He bit his hand but that didn't help to control him. His pants felt tight and he groaned angrily. He unzipped them and started getting to work. He stared at Levi while taking of his problem. He let out a loud moan as he released to the sight of Levis shoulder while he was dancing.

He zipped his pants back up and kept watching Levi very closely until the dead of night. He soon changed into his original form since tonight there was a full moon. He started howling and searching for food during the night.

Levi started getting ready to go to bed but he didn't feel tired. He decided to take a bath since he did sweat a little bit while dancing and cleaning. He grabbed a new pair of clothes and started running the water. He grabbed his phone and started playing classical music.

When the water was ready he sunk I to the bath. The only visible part of his body was half of his head. He closed his eyes. He enjoyed the sound of the music that filled the atmosphere. He was soon startled at the sound of howling. He ran a hand through his hair and tried to ignore the sounds but no matter how hard he tried they kept going over the sound of his music.

He decided to clean himself properly in the morning instead and got out of the tub. He changed into gray sweatpants with no shirt. He made his way to his room and plugged in his phone to his speaker after getting under the covers. He put a pillow above his ears so he wouldn't hear the howls anymore. Thinking it would work he was wrong, while drifting off to sleep the pillow above his ears was soon pushed down on him and he was slowly losing air.

The pressure on the pillow was soon lifted and he jumped up gasping. He turned on his TV deciding he wouldn't be sleeping tonight.

Night Howler (Ereri Halloween Special)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt