(Update) Where have I been?

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Hey guys! Long time no see!

So where have I been? Well I've been busy (as usual) with so much. Let me show in list form.

1. I'm a senior in high school so I'm trying to keep up with work so I can get everything I need done so I can graduate and go to college.

2. Marching band...of course. Seasons over thank goodness, so that's taken care of.

3. I'm student directing a play at a community theatre from where I live and I'm enjoying it a lot! We open in December (it's Miracle on 34th Street so it's the season to that)

4. I've been a bit uninspired with Equivalent Exchange, but since I'm going to be on break this week I'm going to write up the next chapter for you guys.

I appreciate your support for this story and your patience. I'll be getting out a new chapter for you guys so yay!!!!

I'll see you soon!


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