Chapter 3: Big Sister's Alchemy

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A/N: I couldn't think of a better title -_-

(Y/N)'s POV

After Mustang left, I went up my room to get into some comfy clothes. I pulled on a (F/C) spaghetti strap, grey sweatpants, and white socks.

I spent the rest of my night practicing my alchemy, so that way I'm prepared for the best. I took a small break and made some stew for dinner. I made extra just in case she woke up and was hungry.

After 3 hours of practice, I started to grow tired and decided to stop for the night. I grabbed one of my alchemy books, and read it until I fell asleep on my chair next to the couch.


Daxton - Age 12

(Y/N) - Age 5

(Y/N) and Daxton were both playing together in their hometown, (Town Name). They played tag all day, until their father called them in for lunch.

Daxton takes his little sister's hand and they both run inside to smell a delightful aroma from the kitchen.

"Eat up, kids! It's your favorite!" Alice said with a smile. (Y/N) and Daxton's eyes lit up to see the pot of delicious stew on the table. The two children rushed over to the table and took their seats.

"Thank you, mommy! It's looks delicious!" (Y/N) said

Her mother kissed her forehead, and poured some stew into her bowl.

"Your Welcome, sweetheart! Eat up before it gets cold" Alice saids. Without any hesitation, (Y/N) takes a spoonful of her mother's stew and places it in her mouth. Her face shows a look of delight from the taste of the delicious stew.

"Is it good?" Her father asks. Which was no need to, since (Y/N)'s favorite food was her mother's stew. As (Y/N) took another bite. She noticed it

She took the spoon out of her mouth, and notice that instead of her mother's stew, there was blood.

(Y/N)'s eyes widen to the sight of blood on her spoon and in her bowl. She quickly looked up to notice that her father is gone.

"D-daddy?...Daddy?!" (Y/N) screams for her father, as she falls to the ground with a throbbing pain on her cheek. She looks up to see her mother with the ladel in her hand and a look of anger across her face.

"You did this....." Alice saids to her daughter as she hits her with the soup ladel again, but harder.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT! YOUR FATHER'S DEATH WILL FOREVER BE YOUR FAULT!" Alice's screams started to beat (Y/N). She screamed as the pain from her mother's ladel fades to the sharp pain of her missing arm. The giant eye from the tranmutation circle appears below the crying girl, and the tiny black hands grab her and start to pull her down.

"DAXTON! JANE! ANYBODY!" (Y/N) screams, as she watches both Daxton and Jane fall to the ground, dead and bloody.

"DAXTON! JANE!, PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME!"(Y/N) screams even louder.

(Y/N) screams and screams until she's completely pulled under.

(Dream over)

I shot up from the chair I slept in and screamed from the horrifying images crossing by my head. I feel bombs of sweat fall from my head and tears flowing from my eyes. I grip onto my stomach, as I felt blood rush through my throat and out my mouth. I hated the feeling of throwing up, especially since mostly it's from my missing organs.

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