Chapter 16: Barry the Chopper Part 1

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A/N: Barry the Chopper.....Barry the F**KING Chopper!....You all knew it was coming....

Ed's P.O.V.

After I was abe to blow off some steam, I went back to headquarters and ordered some lunch. I pulled out a book with old criminal records in it and skimmed through it a bit until I was interupted by a picture placed in front of my field of vision.

'Hughes...' I thought to myself, a bit irritated.

"What do you think?" Hughes said "I know it, you think she takes after me right? Well, the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree."

He moved the photo away from me before I could take it and shove it back in his face. Seriously, how long his he going to keep this up?! (Longer than you think, Edward...)

"I've seen that same picture a dozen times!" I yelled.

"Now there's no need for that attitude, is there? Not when I have shared classified information on the serial killer with you and (Y/N)."

"Yeah, and you owe me for the train and (Y/N) for delivering your baby. What else you got?"

"Touche, Touche." He said, leaning back with his arms behind his head. "Well anyway, the investigation is at a stand still. We got no clues and no witnesses to go on. Bodies are all sliced and diced, but none of us can figure out how he does it in such short time."

"Maybe he killed them somewhere else and killed the bodies later. How long between the time of death and when they were found?" I asked, pulling my tray of food towards me while Hughes look some bread from the tray.

"We've come a long way, but even with modern science we can't figure that. But between us and the police, we have to check the trunks of every single-" I interupted him as I took the piece of bread he ripped in half and put it back on the tray, without keeping my eyes of the book.

"Person entering and exiting the city." He muffled as he ate the other half of bread.

"There must be some sort of blind spot you're missing here." I said. "A car that can hide bodies or..."

"Or maybe it's all been the work of an alchemist."

My eyes grew wide for a second, before I turned to him with an angry expression.

"ALCHEMISTS AREN'T COLD BLOODED MURDERS!" I yelled, but all he did was shrug a chuckle a bit.

I started to calm a bit, until a soldier walked up to me.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you Edward Elric?" He asked.

"Who's asking?"

"There's a visitor here to see you. Waiting out front."

"A visitor?" I said to myself, looking at Hughes. 'Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach?'

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Winry and I have been sitting out here for 15 minutes and still no Edward. I looked over at Winry as she sighed, looking down at a bolt she was holding between her fingers.

"Isn't that just like Ed to keep me waiting forever." Winry said.

"You don't say?" I said, chuckling a bit.

"B-but still, that doesn't mean I'm not okay you staying with me while we wait!! I really appreciate the company!!" Winry said, waving her hands back and forth.

I gave her a closed eyed smile "It's no trouble at all. Any friend of Edward's is a friend of mine."

She smiled back, before looking over my shoulder. I look at her in curiousty, until I turned myself to see a bright turquoise truck with a "Barry's Food Shop" logo on the side.

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