Some news....

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Hey guys...

So I just want to apologize for lack in updates. There is a big reason behind as to why I haven't posted anything.

1- High school. I have homework and tests and it's really tough forms especially when you're a Junior

2- Marching band. Not much of an issue since the season is over by Nov. 5th but it's a lot of work

3- I'm in a play. I practice all week (except for Friday and Saturday) and that's also a lot of work. I don't know half the songs I have to sing in it so I'm stuck learning them at home.

So because of this, I'm going to be going on a small Hiatus. I will still be active, so don't fret on that. I do have a chapter, but once again due to all of what's going on, you won't be expecting it to come out til around thanksgiving. I will be off my Hiatus around Christmas time (maybe earlier)

However, do expect a little Ed Elric x reader oneshot on my Edward Elric X reader oneshot Drabble book because That will be out hopefully sometime over the weekend.

Once again guys I'm sooo sorry. I hope you all understand. I love you all so much. I honestly don't deserve all the good feed back I get on this story. I've been going through a lot of stress and there is just a lot on my plate right now. But until then I'll see you guys later.

Bye for now~


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