Chapter 7: Winter's Blessing and Curse

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1 month later (Because I said so! Gives them time to know each other!)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

After Edward, Alphonse and I became friends, we've gotten to know each other better. They told me about how they started alchemy and about their friends and family in Resembool. I told them about my friends and my family as well, but I never mentioned to them where I lived and my days of being abused by my sick mother. Blair and I became close as well, and Blair seems to be in love with her "little sister", they play with each other every day! It amazing how friendship come together.

Tucker seemed to be in his lab a lot, but I didn't let that get in the way. I had nightmares from time to time, but luckily I kept quiet for the majority of it.

I still haven't told them about my insides or my arm yet. I want to wait until I feel like it's really time to tell them. I just don't want them to hate me for doing something forbidden. Hopefull I'll have the guts to do it.


I was freezing all morning, I had to keep hold of the blanket the whole time while I sleep. Until I was interupted by a barking dog, running and jumping on my bed, making me instantly wake up. I sat up and petted him to realise he was wet. He stands up and starts shaking himself dry, making me wet.

"Alexander, nooo...." I moan with a slight giggle. I look over at the dresser to see folded clothes with a sign that says "wear this". I'm guessing it's from tucker.

I get up from the bed and look at the folded clothes, it was a Rose quartz colored fancy button up jacket, a white turtle neck sweater, a black skirt, black leggings and a white scarf. I didn't understand why, but it was pretty cold in my room so I put my hair up in a high pony tail (I think you get the idea for those of you with short hair -_-), and put on the clothes from my dresser, finishing the outfit off with my combat boots.

I walked downstairs to see a blinding light come from the door. I walk over to a freezing aroma, with the sound of two children laughing and the clinking of metal. My vision became clear as I saw snow everywhere.

"Oh! Good morning, (Y/N)!" Alphonse said. The two little girls were playing in the snow, making snow angels.

"Big Sissy!" Blair ran up to me and gave me a big hug, running behind her was Nina who gave me a hug as well.

"Look! We made snow angels!" Nina said. I looked at the snow around us in amazement, I haven't seen this much snow in a long time.

"It's so beautiful" I whisper to myself. I feel two pairs of hands holding each one of my hands.

"Come play with us, big sissy!" Nina and Blair say. I smile at them and run into the snow with them. We all made snow angels and decided to bulid a snowman. Al made the bottom while I made the middle with the girl help.

I then heard footsteps come from the door.

"Al? (Y/N)?" I look over to see Edward in the same outfit as usual. I flash him a smile as me and the girls stop rolling the snow ball.

"Oh! Morning, Ed! Enjoying the weather?" He looks at his surroundings, as his Golden eyes sparkle at the white puff of snow. I giggle at his reaction.

"Are you going to just stand there or do you want to help us with this snow ball over here?" I asked him. He then flashes me and the girls a smile, as he runs over to us and helps up push the ball over to where Al was.

Once the snowman was finished, I quickly rushed inside and grabbed three buttons, some blueberries and a carrot. I ruhed back outside and placed them on the snowman, not realizing that Edward, Alphonse and the girls disappeared.

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