Chapter 11.5: Alchemist vs. Alchemist

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So, I may or may not have been watching "Tokyo Ghoul" while writing this and the guy that you are fighting against may or may not have turned into a Yangire (or in this case, Barry the Chopper's doppleganger) in the making of this (bonus) chapter. So if you'd rather skip this bonus chapter (or simply just wait for chapter 12 to come out) be my guest!

As for the other people who've decided to continue, enjoy!

The fight has commenced.

He brushed his hand against the mountain of ice, as the circle on his bracelet glowed. He transmuted a ice dagger as he charged at me. I stood there with my eyes closed, waiting for the right moment. As he was about to strike at me, I flipped over him and kicked him in the back of the head with the back of my foot. He broke his fall by landing on his forarms and knees. He turned me, as he saw land on the ice, gracefully.

He grunted, but then threw the dagger at the back of head, letting out a battle cry. I quickly moved my head so that the dagger could only graze my cheek. I lifted my hand and brushed my fingers against the cut. When I pulled my hand back, I saw a bit of blood on the tips of my fingers. I smirked, turning around to get a look at the guy. His eyes were full of frustration and confusion.

"Impressive. Though I wasn't planning on getting cut, but still." I said, smirking "Now it's my turn."

I clapped my hands together, and placed them on the ground. I lifted my hands slowly, as the water followed along with me, turning into an ice lance. I swung it upwards, then pointed it at him.

He chuckled quietly, lifting his arm as he transmuted a sword from the water. He charged at me again, this time I charged back at him.

Our weapons met in a clash. The blades of ice clinked together in harmony. <- (Ed:...? What the Hell? Author: Don't even ask me...)

To catch him off guard, I turned the lance and drove the end into his gut, knocking the air out of him. He dropped his sword and curled his arms around himself. I jumped up over him and kicked him in the head once again, this time landed in utter pain and agony.

"Want some more, or are we done here?" I said, cracking my knuckles a bit. I watched as he got up slowly. I quickly got into position, waiting for him to make a move. I heard a soft chuckle, but then it turned into full on laughing. I stared at him in confusion and slight shock.

"Oh, you foolish girl. We aren't even close to being done..." He looked up at me with a crazed look in his eyes. "For this is only the beginning!!" He shouted, slamming his palm onto the ice. Sparks danced around him as the ice beow his hand cracked. The crack of the ice started to get bigger as it trailed towards me.

It suddenly stopped at my feet until a blast of cold smoke surrounded me. I felt my skin grow goosebumps as ice came in contact with my legs. I look down to see that I'm trapped in my spot, with the ice growing bigger and surrounding me. I quickly clapped my hands, before everything around me froze.

Ed's P.O.V.

Smoke surrounded (Y/N). I didn't see a trace of (H/C) hair anywhere in the cloud of ice. Once the smoke cleared, I could here a few gasps around me. My eyes widen at the sight of (Y/N) trapped in an iceberg. Her (E/C) closed and her teeth clenched together.

"(Y/N)!" I shouted, about to go up there until someone pulled me back. I looked at the guy who stopped me. He had slightly pale skin and was wearing a tan cloak.

"Hey! What the Hell?! Why did you stop me?! My friend needs help!" I yelled.

"Now, just hold on...." He said, I was about to respond until he continued. "I know this....I know what'll come..."

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