Telling Sam pt.2

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A/N pt.2!! A lot of people liked the first one and even caught on to it😂

It had been about 2 day since you told Sam. Luckily you couldn't worry about that at the moment because you were at your first ultrasound.
"Oh my God if they sold these at pottery barn" you said moving in comfort on the doctors bed. After about 3 minutes one of the nurses came in. "Hi you must be ms.y/l/n?" The nurse asked. Nodding your head you replied. "Are you comfortable?" The nurse asked you. "If I was would you judge me." You said smiling. She laughed and said "The doctor will be in shortly." You just nodded as she left. You were looking at the baby photos on the door when someone came in. "Hi Dr.Batalon." You said to the doctor. "Um it's Sam." You heard someone say you instantly looked up and there you saw Sam the man you got you pregnant. "Sam? What are you doing here" you asked. "Y/N I just wanted you to know that I'm gonna be apart of this whole thing..." he started to say.  "Wait wait Sam stand near my head please I'm kind of having an alfresco situation down there." You said trying to cover up what your hospital gown wasn't. "What? Oh yah sorry." He said moving towards your head. "I am so sorry about how I reacted. I was thinking about myself when I should of been thinking about you and the baby." He said holding your hand. "I don't want you to worry about anything or worry about stuff like baby proofing the apartment, but we can worry about that when were married." He continued rambling on but you instantly stopped him. "Married? Sam were not getting married!" You said. "Y/N We have to for the baby." He said trying to convince you. "Sam only people who are in love get married, were not in love are we?" You asked. He sighed "Well maybe I am still in love with you." He mumbled. "What?!" You asked a giant smile forming on your lips. "Say that again!" You said still smiling widely. "Oh come one y/n! You heard me the first time." He groaned. "Yah I did." You said pulling him down for a kiss. "I love you to Sam." You said pulling away from him. "Woah woah woah." He said. "I never even told said the words I love you!" He joked. "Shut up!" You said pulling him down for another kiss. When you both finally pulled apart he sighed saying. "Yah I love you." "I knew it!" You shouted. "We dont have to get married if you dont want to yet." Sam said. "Yet?" You asked still smiling. "Yah! Dont think your getting a way from me that quickly Y/N Y/L/N." He said smiling as well. A couple seconds later the doctor came in. "Am I interrupting anything?" She asked. "No, no your just in time." You said. She nodded smiling. "Oh! And this is Sam, the child's father!" You said pointing towards him. They shook hands and introduced themselves.

"Okay there's your baby." The doctor said pointing to the screen. "Oh my God" you and Sam said in unison. "Its beautiful" Sam said. You nodded in agreement. "I'll leave you to, to talk." The doctor said. "Thank you." You said. Once the doctor closed the door you moved to the foot of the doctors bed to look at the screen better, Sam following you. "Isn't it beautiful." He said looking at the screen. You shook your head tears forming in your eyes. "I can't see it!" You cried out. "What?" Sam asked you surprised. "I can't see it!" You cried out again. "But you told the doctor you could!" Sam said. "I lied! I only said that so I didn't seem like a horrible mother! I mean what mother can't even see her own child!" You said crying. "Y/N...Here." Sam said pointing at the screen. "You see this." Sam said still pointing at the screen. "Yeah." You nodded. "Sweetie, that's our baby." Sam said. "Oh." You sighed of relief. "I see it now." You said looking at the screen. You both looked at the screen for a couple of seconds before Sam asked "Do you really?" You layed back onto the bed and cried "No!" "Come on." Sam said pulling you back up into your sitting position. "You see thing that looks like a, like a peanut?" He asked you. "Yeah." You replied looking at the shape curiously. He looked at you. "Sweetie that it." He said. You instantly looked at him. "That's it?!" You asked. He nodded whilst smiling. "Well I saw that!" You said leaning your head closer towards the screen.  "Wow... that's our baby." You said looking at Sam. He looked back at you. "That's our baby." 

A/N Hope you guys liked this friends reference imagine! Request are open.

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