That's Not What I meant P.P

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A/N A new Peter Parker Imagine!!
I actually have been meaning to write this. Guys we are so close to 500 reads. Once we get to 500 reads I'll spam imagines on here!! ❤

You have been best friends with Peter for as long as you remember. You parents were all a group through high school and College so you and Peter grew up inseparable. You and Peter were so close that he even told you about him being Spider man. But that lead to you always worring about him, especially because through out the years of being a freshman and sophomore you delevoped feelings for him. And little did you know so did he.

I was in my room trying to find even the littlest bit of sleep. I had a chemistry examine tomorrow and I needed a good night's sleep, but I couldn't fall asleep my mind was just thinking about Peter and if he was okay. You couldn't take it any longer so you decided to text him...

Hey Peter, I know it's late but I just want to know if you are okay

*30 minutes later*

You still hadn't gotten a text back and you were getting scared. You started thinking of so many horrible thoughts that you began to cry and you couldn't stop. How would you live without Peter. You needed him, you loved him...

You were still crying when you heard a tapping at your window. You then heard "Hey y/n its me. Open up". You ran up to the window and flung it open. You saw Peter standing there in his spider suit with a bag full of goodies. He saw that you have been crying and came into your room and gave you a tight hug. He brought you to the bed and asked "what's wrong. Why were you crying? Did someone hurt you!" "No Peter!" You said. "No one hurt me I was just scared I lost you. You didn't answer my text and I got scared." You said very quietly. "Oh... y/n" Peter said. He then hugged you and brought you so you guys were both on the bed.

After a while of you crying onto Peter's chest while he played with your hair and comforted you, you said "Hey peter..." He hummed still holding you. "Want to watch a movie or something" you said. "Yah. What movie?" Peter said already knowing the answer. *Star Wars*

The movie was playing but you and Peter were just talking and laughing about things from when you were kids. You then pulled out a photo from when you guys were in kindergarten. "Woah look how cute we were" you said. "Yah I thought you were gorgeous" Peter said and then widened his eyes realizing what he had just said. "You think I'm gorgeous?" You said, butterflies growing in your stomach. "NO, I mean-". "Oh no it's okay." You said your heart dropping to the bottom of your stomach. You got off the bed and walked to the door so you were leaving on it. "Um Peter I'm getting really tired so you should probably go" you said and then fake yawned. "Y/N please you know that's not what I meant" Peter said getting up walking towards you. "No I get it Peter you don't think I'm pretty. It's okay I should've known". "Y/N please, that not what I meant" Peter said. "Peter can you please just go" you said with tears forming in your eyes, but you managed to fight them back so he wouldn't see them. "Okay... bye y/n", "bye peter".

It had been 3 days and Peter and you haven't talked. You were getting scared he always comes back. You guys always fix your guys problems. Who wouldn't he come back.

You were walking home at night when your thoughts were interrupted by a whistling behind you. You ignored it a began to walk faster. "Hey! It's not nice to ignore gentleman" a man said behind you. You ignored him still and started to walk even faster. "I warned you" the same man said. He grabbed you wrist tightly and pinned you onto a wall in the middle of a dark alley. "I'm going to teach you a lesson about manners" he said. You began to scream and you tried to kick him. He was about to slap you so you closed you eyes and prepared yourself you the pain that was about to come your way. But before he could slap you, you felt a gust of wind flow in front of you. It was Spiderman. He kicked the man into the wall on the other side of the alley. "It's not nice to hit women, especially if the woman is my best friend." Spiderman said. "W-ha" but before the man could finish Peter webbed him on the wall and covered his mouth. "Karen can you call the police on this guys? Thanks." Peter said.
He then quickly turned to you and said "Want to get out of here." You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck. He landed on the roof of you apartment complex. "Are you okay did he hurt you!" Peter asked very concerned. You looked down at the ground and said "You came back". Peter at looked at you and said "of course I came back y/n! I love you! I'm in love with you! I'm always going to come back... Always.". You looked at Peter with tears streaming down your eyes. You stared into his eyes and couldn't take it anymore. You closed your eyes and kissed him. It left him shocked for a second but he then began to kiss you back. It was full of love and passion. Like it was meant to happen. "I love you so much y/n". "I love you to Peter". And in that moment you knew you and Peter would always together... Always.

A/N You guys should go check my new story out. I have a few parts up right now, and I'm writing so new parts right now! Request are open!!

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