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A/N haven't done an imagine in a while is a while so I decided to upload one! Part of this is from the show friends if anyone was wondering. This is also my first Sam Holland One!!

You and Sam had just come home from a date night but were arguing because Sam thought you and the waiter were flirting.


"Sam please" you said as you and Sam entered your shared house and you slamed the door from your frustration.

"No No, I want to know" Sam shouted

"Know what?" You shouted back entering the kitchen

He entered as well

"Was he more attractive than me" Sam said with his arms crossed.
You looked back at him astonished at what he had just said with you arms on the counter.

"What" you said still astonished

"Was he more attractive than me, come on y/n l want to know" Sam said

"Of course he isnt Sam I was being polite and so was he" you replied shouting

"So your saying you weren't flirting with him at all" Sam asked

"Yes Sam. Why would I flirt with him I'm with you for crying out loud. I chose you" you said to him

He looked at the ground and then said "I'm sorry y/n I just get really jealous when other guys are around you". Sam was still looking at the ground.

You rushed over to him and lifted his chin so he was looking at you

"Oh Sam, I wouldn't leave you. Your to special" you said he smiled and then laughed a little. He then pulled you into a tight hug.

His chin was resting now on your head while your head was resting on his chest.

"So you don't ever flirt with guys right?" He asked

"Yah I do, but I know it's just harmless flirting" you said with your head still resting on his chest.

He pulled you away but kept his hands on your shoulders.

"You flirt with other guys" Sam asked

"Yah but it's harmless" you said

Sam scoufed, let go of your shoulders and began pacing around the table

You rolled your eyes and said "Sam I just do it to get to the front of the line to get my coffee quicker and things like thag".

"OH OH so you admit to flirting" Sam said

"Sam I'm sure you flirt with other people to" you said

He looked you dead in the eye and said "no I don't y/n, but I can do it"

"Excuse me" you said

He scoufed and said "it bothers me because your so much hotter than me and with me girls just do it because they feel bad for me"

You looked at him and said "So your aloud to flirt with people but I'm not" you said

"Yes" he said almost instantly

You walked around the kitchen with you hands on your head

"I cant believe I have to deal with this" you said

"Well you have to deal with me now because I love you" Sam shouted you stopped in front of him and said

"Oh yah well you have to deal with me to because I love you to" you shouted back

"Good" he shouted

"We never said that before" you said lowering your voice

"Nope" Sam said lowering his voice also. "I'm gonna kiss you know" Sam lightly shouted

"Well you better" you lightly shouted back

He then quiclly walked over to you and put on hand on your cheek and the other around your waist and kissed you.

You kissed him back passionatly.

After a 5 minute make out session you guys had to break apart because of the lack of oxygen you had in your lungs.

Your four heads were now resting on eachother.

Sam smiled and said "I love you y/n and sorry I got upset I just didn't want to loose you"

"You'll never loose me Sam Holland" you said.

A/N I like how this one turned out
Request are open!! Hope you guys liked my first Sam x reader imagine!

Holland boys and Harrison X Reader Imagines Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin