Dating Harrison would include...

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A/N I had really fun making the last one so I might do one for every boy! Tell me if you guys enjoy them. And don't worry I will add imagines as well.

Dating Harrison would include...

- Meeting the Holy Trinity

- Becoming best friends with Tom and Jacob

- Making out before he leaves with Tom some where

- Tom catching you guys *cough* *cough* (if you catch my rift)

- Starring into Harrison's blue eyes

-  You secretly laughing at the video of Harrison cutting bread

A/N Dying ^^

- Harrison telling you how much he hates that video but you just laugh even more

- Making a cup of tea for him everyday

- Having to travel with Harrison and Tom because you and Harrison miss eachother when you guys are apart

- helping him roast Harry

- laughing your arse off watching his live when Harry ruined the steak

- Constant singing with Harrison

- Harrison telling you how much he loves you and you tell him how much you love him

- Him taking care of you when your sick

- Getting engaged to him

- Marrying him

- telling him your pregnant

-  Him freaking out at how excited he is to be a father

- Harrison having to deal with your hormones but he doesn't mind because he loves you.

- Harrison having to fly from New York to London because your in labour

- Him arriving when your about to push

- Your son being born

- Tom hyperventilating when you guys ask him to be the godfather

- Tom and Harrison then quoting the "God Father"

(The movie^)

- Harrison and your son being the love of your life

A/N that took a huge turn but I thought it was pretty cute. Request are open!

Holland boys and Harrison X Reader Imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang