Telling Sam

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A/N this one is was really fun to do. I am finally doing another Sam imagine!!

You and Sam are still friends in this

You were waiting for you're ex boyfriend Sam to show up. He wasn't home so you decided to just wait outside his door. After a while he finally showed up. "Hey Y/N." He said opening the door. "Hey Sam. Uh I kind of need to tell you something." You told him. He looked at you and gave you a sympathetic smile. "Y/N I know why you here" he said patting your shoulder. "Yo- you do?" You nervously asked. He nodded and walked around you. "I know we promised eachother we wouldn't do this again but it's okay." He said. "What?" You asked. "Yah. Y/N Its okay. I mean I know we probably shouldn't but I'll sleep with you one last time just for you." He "reasurred" you. "What?... ohh..." you said finally getting it. "No Sam" you tried to say but got interrupted by him saying
"Y/N it's okay. I mean I have some time if you want to do it right now." He said pointing towards his bedroom. "No Sam, come here sit down." You said signaling for him to sit down. He just stood in front of you. "Y/N What is it?" He asked. "Okay this is really going to be hard for me to say but...

"I'm pregnant."

"Sam?" You asked him after a while. He was just starring at you with a shocked look on his face. "Look I know this is a lot to process but I just want you to know you can be as involved as you want." You said even though he was still giving you the same shocked look but was now nodding. "Okay well I'm just gonna wait for you to process this." You said pulling a magazine out.
"H-how are you..?" He tried to say. You gave him a confused look. "I mean I know how it happened but we used a condom." Sam said. "I know but those only work like 97% of the time." You told him. It took him about 5 seconds before he realized WHAT you said. "WHAT?!" He yelled.  "Yah, Sam condoms only work 97% of the time." You said slouching in your chair. "What about the other 3% ?!" He yelled. You just shrugged. "Well they should at least put it on the box!" He yelled. "They do." You said. He didn't answer, he just went into his room and instantly came out of the room with a box of condoms. "Well they should put it in huge print!!" He yelled at the box of condoms. You didn't want to hear this anymore because he was also about to call the condom company so you just said "Okay well I'm gonna go and let you cool down." You said opening the door. "No!" He said pointing at the door with the phone in between his ear and shoulder. "We still need to talk about this and just wait for a second while I yell at the condom company!" He said still on the phone. Luckily you managed to escape when he was turned around.

"Well that went well" you thought to yourself.

A/N there will be a part 2! And tell me if you caught it.

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