One Night Stand T.H

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A/N: Y/N had a one night stand with Tom and you are freaking out because you have to get to an important meeting and need a ride. So finally Tom takes you, and eventually you guys decide to go on a proper date.

Yesterday you and your best friend went to a party, well you were dragged there. You knew you would regret it in the morning but you did drink quite a lot and met a really cute guy named Tom.

You had just woken up and your head was killing you so you got to go to the bathroom.
Once you got up you noticed you weren't in your apartment. You started to panic, but as you were panicking you started to remember what happened yesterday. "Oh god" you whispered to yourself. You quickly grabbed your clothes and grabbed your heels not putting them so you wouldn't wake the person in the bed.

As you were tip toeing you heard a cough. "Shit" you thought to yourself.
You turned around slowly to see a half asleep Tom sitting up in bed starring back at you. He grinned and said "hello darling". Your heart melted as he said that.

"Hey, um I'm pretty sure yesterday was amazing and all but I should probably get going..."
Tom laughed a little and said "yesterday was amazing". He then stood up and started walking towards you. Your faces were now an inch apart as he said " so why don't you stay and we can repeat yesterday".

You started to kiss passionately. You dropped all your belongings, and you wrapped your legs around him as he picked you up. He was about to throw you on the bed when you saw the time. "Wait, wait" you said. "What did I do something wrong" Tom said. "NO, of course not" you said as you quickly put your skirt from yesterday on. Tom began to say "Y/N than whats wrong" he approached you now with chest behind your back, feeling his warm breath against your neck. He suddenly started to kiss your neck and you let a small moan out, making Tom smile against your neck and continued to kiss your neck.

You then realized you had to get to a meeting and said "I'm really sorry but I have to go... This was a one night stand so we probably shouldn't do this again". You grabbed all your belongings and ran out of his apartment before he could say anything.

You got out to the parking lot and started to look for your car. You couldn't find it, and that's when it hit you. You remembered your friend taking the car with some guy home. You mentally hit yourself on the head and sighed and actually hit your head for not thinking about how you didn't have your car key's. You started making you way back to Tom's apartment embarrassed at what you were about to do.

Tom's POV
Y/N ran out of your apartment leaving you very confused and kind of upset.

You put on some navy blue sweatpants and left to make yourself some breakfast. You were about to make yourself some tea and a quackson (I had to😂) when you heard the door ring.

You saw Y/N standing in front of you door with her head down. She looked up at you with a weak smile and said "Hey Tom...". You looked at her kind of confused and said "Hey" you crossed your arms remembering what Y/N said in your room. "I thought you had to be somewhere".
She looked at the ground and said "yeah about that...", " I was wondering if you could drive me home really quickly" Y/N quickly said her head still looking down at the ground.

You put your hand below her ching bringing it up making her look at you. "Ill give you a ride on one condition"you said. She sighed and said "I'll do anything I just really need to get home to change".
You looked at her and said "I'll give you a ride home if you go on a date with me". Y/N quickly looked up at you shocked at what you said. She thought about it for a second, but she realized how desperate she was to get home and agreed to it.

After waiting 10 minutes for Tom, we got in his car as you gave him your address and he started to drive you home. You looked at him and asked "How come you like me?" Tom just snickered and said "because you are one of the people who don't know who I am". "What? You asked. He just laughed and said to look him up. You were confused but still did it and what you found shocked you. "YOUR SPIDERMAN" you said about to have a panic attack. "Woah calm down. Yah I am but I didn't want to tell you because then I wouldn't get to finally find someone who didnt want me for my fame". You looked up at him and said "don't worry I probably would of thought you were too famous for me and walked away". Then he stopped at a red light, turned to you and whispered into your ear "than I'm really glad I didn't tell you". Hearing those word come out of his mouth gave you goose bumps.

You finally got home and looked at Tom. "Wish I could come in but you kind of have to get somewhere" Tom said. You then kissed him and said "see you soon". You winked at him and left the car, and got into your house. 

sorry if that wasn't very good it's my first imagine. Request are open if you wanted to request something!
Hope you enjoyed!

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