Shay smiles. "Good." She simply says while looking over at Y/n.

Y/n was looking at Normani. "I already forgave you and we're friends." She says while leaning against the counter once again.

Normani feels all warm inside and she can't help the smile on her face. "Well, looks like all of my goals are achieved it's time for me to go." She jokes while walking past Y/n.

"I think the fuck not." Y/n says while grabbing onto Normani's arm, accidentally wiping some ice cream onto it.

Normani feels the cold liquid on her arm and she squints her eyes at Y/n. "Oh it's on Y/l/n." She says while dipping three of her fingers in the vanilla ice cream and smearing it on Y/ns face.

Y/n gasps at the cold feeling before sticking her fingers in the salted caramel and rubbing it in Normani's hair. Shay laughs and takes her phone out to record the two.

"You did not just do that." Normani tells Y/n while feeling the coldness on her head.

"I did." Y/n says while licking the remaining salted caramel off of her fingers.

Normani grabs the whipped cream from the table and squirts it into Y/ns hair. At the same time, Y/n takes the caramel sauce and squeezes it onto Normani's chest, which was exposed by her button down.

As soon as she feels the sauce travel down her chest, Normani stops the whipped cream and grabs the chocolate sauce. She squirts it all over Y/ns shirt and face.

Y/n starts laughing and takes her finger to wipe off some of the chocolate on her cheek after Normani stops squirting it on her. Shay stops the video and posts it on her Instagram with the caption: this shit is kinda cute. Of course she tags both Y/n and Normani in the caption as well.

Normani looks at the mess that she made on Y/n and the mess that Y/n made on her. She smiles and has the urge to latch herself onto Y/n. Normani follows through with that urge but uses an excuse for it as soon as their bodies collide. "The final touch." Normani says while giving Y/n a quick squeeze then pulling away.

"Your plan kinda backfired." Y/n says referring to the chocolate sauce on Normani's shirt.

Normani looks down and purses her lips together. "Didn't think that through." She says then laughs at herself.

Y/n notices how sticky the both of them are. "We should shower." She says then realizes how weird that sounds. "Not together but together." Y/n clarifies while feeling her face gear up in embarrassment.

"I get what you mean." Normani smiles at Y/ns awkwardness then follows her upstairs.

"Yeah okay forget about me, it's okay." Shay says while standing up from her chair. "Bye Y/n, Bye Shay." She says pretending to be Y/n before leaving Y/ns house.


"Yes, I'm being safe Dad." Lauren tells her father over the phone after he asked if she was doing anything bad.

"I just care about my little girl so much, you can't blame me if I'm overprotective." Mike says then pauses. "Is Y/n still being annoying?" He asks Lauren.

Lauren groans. "Can you stop asking about her? But yes she is, I don't think she knows how to not be annoying." She answers her dad's question.

"You won't have to worry about her for much longer." Mike tells Lauren which causes her to be confused but just as she was about to ask what her dad meant her dad speaks again. "I've got to go, your moms fighting with Camila's fans again." He says then quickly hangs the phone up.

"Love you." Lauren says while hearing the beeping signaling that the phone call is over. She puts her phone into her pocket as she walks into the kitchen. Lauren thinks about what her dad said about Y/n, but she decides to not worry about it.

Lauren sees Camila in the kitchen as she fills up a glass with water. The two girls don't say anything to each other so Lauren begins to drink her water.

"Anyone know where Mani is?" Dinah barges into the kitchen and asks the two girls in the room.

Lauren shakes her head while chugging down the rest of her water. "No idea." She says while wiping her mouth clean.

Camila shrugs her shoulders hoping that Ally comes out of the bathroom soon and thinks of an excuse.

Dinah groans and goes back to spamming Normani's phone with messages. Ally steps out of the bathroom and Dinah immediately asks her the same question.

"I do know where she is, but she asked me to not tell anyone." Ally tells Dinah while she sits down in the spot on the couch that she used to be sitting at.

Both Dinah and Lauren squint their eyes at Ally knowing that they could easily get Normani's location out of her. "What if I told you that it was an emergency?" Dinah asks Ally.

"I would tell you to text her and see if she replies." Ally says and Dinah rolls her eyes.

"I've tried that." Dinah says while locking her phone and sitting down on the couch.

Camila moves down the couch and leans against the backside of it. She wonders what Normani and Y/n have been doing all day.

"What the fuck?" Lauren says as she looks at Shays recent Instagram video. The video was blurry, since Shays camera skills are horrible, but Lauren could clearly make out Y/n and Normani.

"What?" Dinah asks Lauren while leaning over Ally to try and get a view of Laurens phone.

"Normani's with Y/n." Lauren states while showing Dinah the video.

Dinah watches the video through and looks at the smile on both of the girls faces as they spray sweet sauces over each other.

"Awh! That's so cute." Ally coos after watching the video through. "I'm glad that they're friends again." She says with a big smile on her face.

Camila watched the video too and she felt jealous. She hopes that she's still Y/ns favorite and that Normani didn't make Y/n forget about her.

"I thought that we're supposed to hate her." Lauren groans after viewing the comments section of the post which is an equal amount of love and hate towards the video.

"You were the only one who agreed to that." Ally reminds Lauren while settling back into her spot on the couch.

"And me." Dinah pipes in and both Camila and Ally know that she's lying because of what Dinah told them a week or two ago.

Lauren high fives Dinah before closing out of Shays post without liking it or interacting with it in any way. Ally, on the contrary, opens her Instagram app then finds Shays post then likes it. She would comment something but she wasn't comfortable to.

For the next hour the girls relax on the couch mindlessly scrolling through their phones. All of them were bored until they heard knocking from the front door and the doorbell being rung over and over again.

The girls look at each other before pushing Ally off of the couch. "What was that for?" Ally asks the girls.

"You're the oldest!" Camila says while hiding behind Dinah. "So you get the door for the serial killer." She continues while covering her head with a pillow from the couch.

"Hey! I'm not protecting you." Dinah says while forcefully pushing Camila out from behind her. "Dumb arse." She huffs while grabbing Camila's pillow and using it for defense.

Ally walks out of the living room and gets more and more annoyed by the knocking and doorbell ringing with every step she takes. She reaches for the doorknob and twists it open which causes the door to swing open and for the person behind it to fall at Ally's feet. Ally looks down at the person in front of her in shock.




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