" That's a great idea, Lady (Y/n)! " Zunerin chirped as she gave the Magi a hearty hug, " I'm glad we met, Lady (Y/n), " she started as she continued, " You always gave me suggestions and taking care of me even though I was stubborn and short-tempered. "

{ #End }

As the years go by, (Y/n) had to witness unexcepted things that happened in Sindria that involve with Sinbad who stubbornly wouldn't give up on trying win over (Y/n)'s affection, but, every attempt went backfired. 

As Sinbad would get scoldings from the Eight Generals and beatings from (Y/n)'s right-hand man along with Judar who comes by to check on her well-being and update her about what had happened in siblings at Kou Empire.

Nevertheless, (Y/n) enjoyed her time on Sindria as was able to experience another side of people who lived in Sindria and their opinion about Sinbad during the festivities. 

|| At The Docks ||

Currently, (Y/n) held a dumbfounded expression as she saw the Sindria guards were carrying huge crates into the ship, " What is he trying to do now? " (Y/n) mumbled underneath her breath before she looked for Sinbad. 

Once she found Sinbad talking to one of the guards, she quickly made her way towards him while calling him out, " Sin! " 

 Sinbad's ear twitched when he heard (Y/n) calling out for him, he dismissed the guards before turning around and saw the Magi making her way towards him, " What is it, (Y/n)? " He gave her a goofy smile as (Y/n) stood in front of him while panting. 

" What's with those crates that the guards carrying onto the ship, Sin? " (Y/n) asked him after taking a breath. 

" Oh, that, " Sinbad trailed off as he continued, " Knowing that you're travelling somewhere, I might as well wanting to give you a parting gift, " he explained it to (Y/n), making her sighed while pinching her nose. 

" (Y/n)!/(Y/n)-chan!/(Y/n) onee-chan!/Ms (Y/n)! "

The Magi jumped when she heard people were calling out for her while she was unaware to notice Sinbad's annoyed expression as he only wanted to spend his with (Y/n) without any interruptions, but, it seems like fate has other plans for him. 

However, before (Y/n) could see who it was, she was suddenly being tackled into a hug by Yamuraiha and Pisti, " Do you have to go, (Y/n)-chan? " Yamuraiha whined as Pisti nodded her head, " It would be lonely without you, (Y/n)-chan! "

It took an hour and a half for Yamuraiha and Pisti to get over it as they still complaining about (Y/n) leaving Sindria and as for the other, they held an amused expression after what they had seen do far. 

" Time goes by so fast, doesn't it, (Y/n)? " Sharrkan asked the Magi with a frown that goes unnoticed and even though he doesn't want her to leave Sindria, but, he doesn't have the guts to tell (Y/n).

" Yeah but, I did enjoy my stay here, " she told him with a smile as she motioned him to hold out his hand which he obliges, (Y/n) pulled out a necklace that had s sword pendant and placed it on Sharrkan's palm.

" A gift from me. "

" Thanks, " Sharrkan grinned as he ruffled (Y/n)'s hair much to her dismay.

" We wished you have a safe journey, Ms (Y/n), " Ja'far interjected as he walked towards them with Masrur tailing behind him, " And be safe. " He firmly told her with a blunt expression, giving (Y/n) a head pat.

" Thanks and I will keep that in mind, Ja'far, Masrur, " the Magi said to them before she gave them a pin and a bracelet that match both Masrur's and Ja'fars preferences.

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