Someone knocked at my door. I stood up as Mom cracked the door.

"Hun, a very nice-looking guy is waiting for you in the living room."

I took a deep breath and grabbed my coat and purse. I walked past Mom, going to the living room, and Nate talked to Dad while sitting on the couch. Uh, oh.

I noticed Nate was wearing jeans, a black leather jacket, and a chain bracelet on his left wrist. Holy hell, he's hot.

I cleared my throat, and he turned to see me.

He stood up and straightened his jeans. "Ready?" He smiled.

"Yep," I said with a giant smile.

"See ya later, Mr. George." He waved to Dad.

"Take excellent care of her, Nate," Dad said.

I followed Nate out of the house. As we walked over to his car, I smiled.

We got into the car, and Lucille ran over to the car and knocked on his window.

Nate rolled his window down. "Yeah?"

"Don't forget your raincoat. I don't need any grand-babies." Lucille handed him a condom.

He rolled his eyes and snatched it from her hand. My cheeks burned. At that moment, I wanted to die because only Lucille would do that.

He shoved it into his inside coat pocket and rolled up the window. Lucille waved as he pulled out of the driveway, driving to dinner.

"Sorry about Ma." He sighed.

"It's Lucille, and I expect it from her." I shrugged.

"At least, you do. The girls I dated would freak out."

"It made dating hard, huh?"

"It was a blessing in disguise."


"Because if they had worked out, I wouldn't be here with you."

My cheeks warmed. Nate looked freaking hot. I'm used to seeing him with messy hair or looking dirty from working on cars, but he looked terrific when he cleaned up.

He pulled into Denny's parking lot, and we got out of the car, making our way inside. The hostess sat us in a booth and handed us menus, and I flipped through mine to figure out what I wanted.

The server took our orders. We talked while we waited for our meal.

"So, is this a good first date?" He asked.

"I would say so." I smiled.

"Good. I want you to have an excellent time."

"So far, so good. I wanted to thank you for the flowers, and I loved them since roses are my favorite flower."

"I'm glad. I was trying to decide what to get you but wasn't sure if I should get you roses or something else. It seems like roses are the traditional flower for most guys to give to women."

"No, the roses were perfect, and it helped since I was a little nervous."

He chuckled. "Your parents said you were mumbling a lot when you got home, and I figured it was because of nerves."

The server brought our food. We ate and talked some more.

"It's hard going from neighbors to something more. You're seven years older than me and have all this experience, and I have none and figured you would call it a day afterward." I was rambling, thinking of ways to stop myself.



"I don't care that you don't have any experience or that you're seven years younger than me. I like you a lot. Sitting on your picnic table behind your house at night and talking to you made me like you even more, and it gave me a chance to understand you better."

My body relaxed once he said that. It comforted me that my inexperience or age difference didn't matter to him.

With that, I enjoyed the date. We finished dinner. Then Nate paid the bill, and we left for the movies.

Nate let me pick the movie, and I chose The American President. We found our seats and sat down, and I rested my hands on the armrests, and we talked until the movie started. It was great sitting here with him.

The lights dimmed until it became dark, and the movie started. Nate's hand touched mine as I sat there, and he slid his hand into mine and interlaced our fingers. I rested my head on his shoulder. Then he pulled his hand away from mine and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

His cologne smells pleasant as I inhale the scent, getting lost in it. I cuddled into him as we watched the movie.

After the movie, we got up, and Nate held my hand as we left the theater. He opened my car door for me, drove me home, and pulled into my driveway. We walked to my front door, hand in hand.

I turned to him. "Thank you for tonight."

He looked at me and smiled. "Any time." He placed a finger under my chin, pulled my lips to his, and gave me a sweet kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him.

I pulled back. "We should go out again."

"Definitely." He gave me another kiss, then walked back to his car.

I ran into the house to find Mom waiting up for me.

"Well?" She asked.

"It was the best date ever. Night." I grinned, bounding to my room.

She laughed.

Tonight was fantastic, and Nate wasn't what I had expected. He was so much more.

The Gray Brothers: The Beginning✔️ (Kindle version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن