Chapter Three

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The princess was tired from her long day of classes and practices and still couldn't believe that she was actually being punished for such a simple thing.

Her sister was the one to blame for giving her mother this punishment. To make things even worse, she wasn't allowed to have her day off today which she always had.

The day seemed to be dragging on and she still had one more class left, History. Her tutor, Mr. Greggor, was quite boring and she was always half asleep during her lectures.

A sigh left her lips as she walked into the study. Her textbooks already waiting for her on her desk and so was Mr. Greggor as he adjusted his glasses.

"Today, we'll be going over how werewolves evolved into lycans and why they are no longer here today." His tone was dry and he was already flipping through the pages of one of the books.

Sitting down, she lazily began flipping through her pages to where they last off. Only one thing was on her mind and that was sleep.

Back in the queen's study, the queen and Nubia was back to their own studying as well. Nubia had been an excellent student and was learning very quickly.

She now knew much more about the Moon Goddess, Gaia and why she was such an important being to werewolves. Without her, they would be nonexistent.

Today, her mother was teaching her of the different methods that could be used to communicate with her, but not everyone could use them. Only the selected few had the ability to do so and Nubia was one of them.

She wasn't even born yet when Gaia had chose her and that made her all the more special. It was the queen's responsibility to ensure that she learned all that she needed to.

The introduction to this had already been covered and they were nearly done with the basics. Soon, they would be moving to advance lessons.

Nubia couldn't wait but right now, she was focused on completing the basics. She was slowly going over one of the books her mother had handed her for the third time.

In the next week, she would be having an exam to see if she understands everything clearly and to see if she was ready to move on.

The queen on the other hand was looking over their pack and ensuring that everything was how it should be. The king, Ashanti, should be returning very soon and she couldn't wait to see her husband and her son.

The king and queen only had three children, which they all loved equally. Their son was born a year after princess Aracel, but he appeared to be older than her.

The king brought him everywhere he went as his way of teaching and preparing him for the real world.

Their highnesses had already agreed not to sugarcoat anything for their children and just tell them as it was. What good would it do them, if they made everything seem like a fairytale when it was not.

It would only hurt them all when they discovered the truth. The queen had gone through some very rough times growing up and she didn't want the same to happen to her children.

Her mother had died when she was very young, leaving her behind with her father. She was very close with her mother and it hurt her badly when she was no longer there.

Everyone that was kind and loving towards her never looked at her the same way again. They all loved her mother and she was a younger version of her.

A reminder to them of their loved one that was now and they couldn't bare to look at her.

It wasn't long before her father remarried hoping to bring back some joy in both of their lives. He married a woman named Felicia who he known from childhood.

Her mate had also passed away quite a while back and so the two found comfort in each others arms.

If only he knew that the Felicia he knew back then was no longer the same now. After the death of her husband and her inability to have children, she turned into a cold, heartless woman and she was slowly turning Alejandra's father like her.

It wasn't long after the wedding that she began abusing her and her father was so blinded with trying to find love, that he couldn't see how badly his only daughter was hurting.

Not only that, but she was also being taken advantaged of by her own Alpha. She had nowhere to turn to and she just wanted to end it all, but she just couldn't.

She knew that her mother would be disappointed in her because they raised her to be brave and strong. So she did as her mother wanted her to which is how she got to be where she is today.

A queen with a loving husband and three wonderful children. She couldn't ask for anything more.

Life wasn't perfect and it had its fair share of ups and downs, but she had them to support her every step of the way and for that she was thankful.

There were many times when she thought she couldn't go on, but she never quit. Even though others broke her trust and her heart, she had the courage to keep on moving.

Her life was just one miserable rollercoaster until she met Jovano, her true mate sculpted by the hands of the Moon Goddess herself and placed here to save her.

Now all she wanted was to give her children the life that she never had. To teach them just how greedy and selfish the world really is and that life is never fair.

In this world, it's all a game to see who will reach the finish line first and who will fall behind. Who will be tricked by all the illusions and who will see the Earth's true colours.

That is what it is really about.

Hey guys! How are you liking this story so far? Is it any good? Also, updates are going to be very slow because my exams are right around the corner and I have a lot of revising to do.

I am also trying to write long chapters. Mainly 1000 words and above, so let's see how this continues.

Anyways, see you all in the next chapter and have a wonderful day or night where ever you are.


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