Chapter Twenty One

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Hey Guys! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who have been leaving comments because it just motivates me to upload another chapter as soon as possible knowing that you guys are waiting. 

I also wanted to say that I have decided to split this book up into two parts instead of combining my two very different ideas. So I would love to hear what you think about that, but I'm not going to give away anything just yet. ;)

I was still crying as I held onto the pillow as if my life depended for it when I felt familiar arms wrap around my body, as Ashanti placed me in his lap. For some reason, I felt as if everything was going to be alright but I didn't know if I was myself.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worry evident in his voice as I felt myself being pulled towards him but I ignored it as I shook my head in his chest. I didn't feel like discussing what I had seen with him.

I thought that maybe there was some way to avoid the mating bond but I knew that the Moon Goddess would make it happen somehow. Just thinking about her made my blood boil because she was nothing but a ruthless, cunning little bitch that cared about no one. She couldn't even confront me herself, so she used my mother.

"It's okay, shh," Ashanti whispered in my ear while rocking me back and forth in his arms. My body was at war with itself over him. One part wanted more of him while the other part just wanted to get away and my brain was just stuck in the middle.

Thankfully, he didn't push me to tell him anything but continued on rocking me while whispering sweet nothings in my ear. A smile made its way onto my face as the tears stopped flowing and I felt loved by someone other than my family for once.

It felt good knowing that I was loved but that was what scared me. Maybe it was because I had gone so long without someone caring about me after my mother's death. Then I met Jovano who I thought was my mate, but turns out was just a pawn in the Moon Goddess's game. 

I was at war with myself trying to figure things out and repair what was broken, but every part of me was shattered. I was ruined because of this complicated situation.

"Thank you," I whispered. My voice was soft as I looked into his glistening hazel eyes. They were filled with so much emotion as he stared back at me, as if he was seeing straight into my soul. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to give back those emotions to him.

My heart has been broken so many times and it was painful. I wouldn't wish what happened to me to anyone, not even my worse enemy. The things that I've been through could make you call out to death and now that I think about it, maybe it was just the Goddess preventing me from taking my own life.

"If you don't want to talk about it, I understand," he said, offering me a small smile as I returned it. 

Wrapping my arms around him, I rested my head on his shoulder and just savoured the moment. It might not be much to someone else but to me, it meant a lot having him be there for me at a time like this.

"I just wanted you to know that I appreciate everything that you have done for me and I don't think I'll ever be able to repay for you." I smiled in his neck as I tightened my hands around his body while he did the same.

We stayed in that position for some time before I felt a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins causing me to quickly pull back and he did the same, meaning he felt it to. He stared at me wide eyed with his mouth hanging open not saying a word. I was startled as well since it was the first time that I had felt that when touching him.

"What was that?" He asked, as he slowly extended his hand towards mine before touching it causing sparks to erupt where he had touched. It was much stronger than when Jovano touched me and I didn't know how to feel.

My heart was just doing flips while butterflies filled my stomach. This feeling was similar to what I felt for Jovano but much stronger. My body was just attracted to his and wanted nothing more than him, but I didn't know if this was actually me.

"Did you feel that?" He questioned as I nodded. I pulled away my hand from his and held it to my chest. I could still feel the sparks but they were quickly fading away.

We both just stared at each other not knowing what to say and more and more I kept on realizing how beautifully sculpted his face was. It was as if I was just now seeing his true beauty and how magnificent he was.

Snapping out of my little trance, I waved my hand in his face so that he would stop staring at me but he just caught my wrist in his hand and held it up.

"You are the true definition of beauty, made from perfection." My heart stopped at his words as I was left speechless. It just came out of nowhere and I didn't know what to say back.

He run his fingers through my long hair as I stopped breathing and just stared back at him like a dummy, not knowing what to do in this situation that I was being held in for the first time.

"You should get some rest," he said suddenly, as he laid me down and placed a pillow beneath my head before pulling up the covers. He placed a soft and gentle kiss on my forehead and then left the room as my head was filled with thoughts.

It was then it hit me like a ton of bricks. The Moon Goddess had already put her plan in action.

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