Chapter Five

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I woke up with his strong, muscular arms wrapped tightly around my waist, causing my heart to ache in agony knowing that we couldn't be together no matter how I wanted it to be. That was just the way things was.

Slowly and carefully, I succeeded in moving out of his tight hold without waking him up as I tiptoed to the open window. The cool breeze blowing against my face made me feel even closer to mother nature as I went through it.

Still holding onto the window sill, I looked beneath me to see that I was about two stories above the ground and just thinking about my landing made my stomach twist. It would be adding even more pain to my still healing body.

Luckily, there was a nearby tree which branches were stretched out towards the window, so I climbed onto it never looking down.

It was probably around three in the morning and hopefully the people here sleep a lot like back at my old pack, but these wolves seemed to be trained better and even seem to have more manners than them which is always a good thing.

I would just feel even more guilty if anything that happens to them is my fault, since I am always the cause of anything that goes wrong.

Walking into the woods, I felt at home with the outdoorsy feeling my body was having. It was just so peaceful and calming being surrounded by so much nature and I felt as if I was in a dream. Everything just seemed so perfect there and I noticed that there were only a few negative thoughts still lingering at the surface of my mind.

With my body being so at peace, I couldn't stop myself from singing when I was out of ears reach and I could no longer see the pack house.

Cuando viene el peligro
Estaré allí
Cuando viene el peligro
Estaré allí

A tu lado
Cuando no hay dónde esconderse
Mamá estará allí
A tu lado

Estaré allí
Para limpiar tus lágrimas
Estaré allí
Para consolarte

It was a song that my mother would sing to me every night before I fell to sleep in her mother tongue. She used to always speak to me in Spanish when something was wrong and it would always comfort me.

I would always ask her why she always sang that song, but her response was always the same. "Entenderás cuando llegue el momento adecuado, ya que por ahora deja que tu mente descanse."

In English it meant, you will understand when the time is right, as for now let your mind rest.

I continued singing the song repeated as I steadily walked in an unknown direction. Many persons would think that I have a death wish, because for all I know, I could be walking right into the trap of a rogue, but I did have a death wish.

A wish that was never granted no matter how much I prayed that it would happen. The Moon Goddess was ignoring my pleas no matter how much I called out to her, eventually I just stopped. There was no point in doing it.

I looked up at the sky to see that there were no stars, as I remembered another one of my mother's songs. Singing was another passion of hers which we both shared.

"Solo mira hacia las estrellas
Y ahí es donde estaré
No es tan lejos
Y ahí es donde verás

Cuanto te amo
Y esa es la clave"

Just like the other song, it also had a meaning which I had not yet find out the meaning behind the words. All I knew was that it was important to me.

All of a sudden, I could hear some bushes shaking making a part of me afraid, while a bigger part was happy thinking that just maybe the Moon Goddess had hear my prayers after so long and was now finally making it come true.

My heart instantly dropped to the bottom of my feet when I saw that it was just Jovano without a shirt on, but then I realized that werewolves have good hearing especially Alphas, which meant that he could have hear me singing.

My eyes widened at that thought as my heart began pounding in my chest with each step he took towards me. His silver eyes were now a darker shade increasing my fear even more.

Getting ready to run, but that thought quickly left when he grabbed my hand roughly and pulled me towards him. I could practically smell the anger coming off of him as his chest vibrated as he tried to keep his wolf calm.

"You lied to me," he said slowly, as he breathed in some air. I was sure he could hear my heart pounding in my chest and could just fly out at any minute. "Why?" The hurt in his voice seemed to be affecting me much more than him.

My heart was no longer pounding but instead shattered because I was the cause of this. I had hurt the only person who seemed to care about me, but for all I know he could be faking it so that he got what everyone else wanted from me.

"Answer me Alejandra," he growled out, his eyes getting even darker with each word. "I know that you can speak."

Turning my head, I thought about whether or not I should run and if it would make things worse, but right now I didn't care. He would only question me more and the only way I would be able to get him to stop was by me speaking. Something I still wasn't ready to do in the presence of others, even if they are my mate.

I tried running but he grabbed my shirt with so much force that it ripped open. Now I was exposed with his wide eyes scanning my bruised and scarred body. Some parts were even darker than my actual skin colour.

"Who did this to you?" He growled out as he run his fingers against them, leaving sparks wherever his finger had touched.

Knowing there was no way out, I shook my head in defeat. "No one," I whispered in a shy voice.

This was the first time in years that I had spoken to someone other than animals and I was scared about what would happen now.

"No puedes decirle a nadie," I rushed out. "You can't tell anyone," I translated when I saw the look of confusion on his face. "They have ears and eyes everywhere."

Translations of the Songs:

Cuando viene el peligro
Estaré allí
Cuando viene el peligro
Estaré allí

A tu lado
Cuando no hay dónde esconderse
Mamá estará allí
A tu lado

Estaré allí
Para limpiar tus lágrimas
Estaré allí
Para consolarte

When the danger comes
I'll be there
When the danger comes
I'll be there

By your side
When there is nowhere to hide
Mom will be there
By your side

I'll be there
To wipe your tears
I'll be there
To comfort you

Solo mira hacia las estrellas
Y ahí es donde estaré
No es tan lejos
Y ahí es donde verás

Cuanto te amo
Y esa es la clave

Just look at the stars
And that's where I'll be
It's not so far
And that's where you'll see

How much I love you
And that's the key

Both songs were written by me.

Breaking SilenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora