Chapter Six

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I had been sitting at the foot of the bed as Jovano intensely stared at me with anger clearly written in his eyes with a mixture of hurt. His light brown hair was flying all over in the place from him pulling it. 

All I wanted to do was just wrap my hands around him and tell him that everything was going to be alright, but I would be lying to the both of us because things would never be all right after this no matter how hard he tried.

Finally deciding that just sitting on the bed wasn't doing any of us any good, I walked over to him before pulling him in for a hug as I hummed a little tune into his ear in hopes to calm down him and his wolf.

As I pulled away, his muscular arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into his hard chest as he breathed in my scent. His head was buried in the crook of my neck as he played with my hair. 

"Please speak to me," he begged, but I shook my head. "Please, even if it is just one word." 

This was the first time I had ever seen someone in a state like this, especially someone as powerful as he is and I didn't know what to think of it. No one have ever comforted me so I didn't know how it was done.

Thinking whether or not I should use my voice to comfort him, I finally agreed with myself that I should since he was chosen as my mate.

Estoy aquí
estoy cerca

Aparte de tí
Volando sobre ti

En mis brazos
Estas seguro
De todo daño"

I sang the song repeatedly for quite some time until I felt his muscles relax and his arms loosen around me.

"Have anyone told you how beautiful your voice is?" He suddenly said, scaring me a little as I shook my head, before removing his arms around me, causing him to chuckle lightly as my insides tingled at the sound.

We had just been standing near the bathroom door and I didn't think my legs could support my body any longer, so I made my way to the bed before crawling back under the covers. It was still early in the morning and I didn't have anything to do here, so I didn't care.

Wrapping myself up into a bundle in the covers, I took one of the pillows and snuggled into it as I let my eyes close. I was just about to fall asleep when I felt the other side of the bed sink in as his hands wrapped around me and pulled me into his side.

I tried to wiggle my way out from besides him, but he held me in place. Giving up, I just held on tightly to the pillow and adjusted my body into a comfortable position before going back to sleep as I was surrounded by his sweet scent.

Waking up to an empty room, I felt as if a part of me was sad that he was gone, but he was a busy Alpha so it was understandable. At this point I didn't even know my own body anymore. A part of me craved to let him in while the other half felt like this was just wrong.

Going into the bathroom, I cleaned myself up as the negative thoughts slowly crept back into my mind. The words Felicia had told me was constantly in my head no matter how hard I tried to shake them out. It was a constant reminder as to why my life was just a waste of space and resources.

No one could help me because not even I could help myself. I was damaged, broken with no hope left of survival. Maybe this was all my doing and maybe it wasn't but I just don't have the willpower in me to fix myself. Not even my mate could help me now.

Going back into the room, I saw a simple long sleeve, grey dress neatly folded on the chair waiting for me. I could just feel the tears wanting to come out because my mother's favourite colour was grey. She had always liked neutral colours more.

Slipping into the underwear, I got dressed before putting my hair into two braids. I was about to go into the kitchen to get my portion of food for the day, when I realized that the dress was to short, because it exposed my bruised and cut up legs.

This just worsened my mood even more, because it showed me even more how unfit I was to be a Luna. I couldn't even handle my own problems let alone the problems of an entire pack.

Going back into the bathroom, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. It looked as if I was staring back at my mother, as I let the tears come out. I was an exact replicate of my mother and that just made me angry, sad and confused. I was basically a train wreck at this point.

Digging through the cabinets, I found a blade that was just screaming out my name. I was about to slide it against my skin when I looked into the mirror and saw my mother again. I just hated how I looked like her.

So without thinking, I just began cutting my hair with the blade while cutting my hand in the process at how tightly I was holding it.

I was just letting out my emotions, mainly anger at this point, as I just cut through my hair like no tomorrow. My beautiful blonde hair fell to my feet as my tears run down my face like a waterfall.

When I couldn't take it anymore, I dropped the blade on the counter as I sat down in the mess I had created on the cold marble tiles. My pain and sorrow swallowed me whole as I just let my mind float all around the place.

All the insults that were thrown at me were now playing on repeat in my head like a broken record, while I just listened to it. 

I had accepted the fact that I was broken because that was exactly what I was. A girl broken beyond repair.

^^^^ Picture above is how I imagine her hair to be after the cut, but I don't imagine the girl as her character

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^^^^ Picture above is how I imagine her hair to be after the cut, but I don't imagine the girl as her character.

Translation of the song:

I'm here
I'm around

Apart from you
Flying                                                                                                                                                                                  Over you

In my arms
You are safe
Of all harm

Once again, this song is originally written by me, and I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. 

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