Chapter Thirty Two

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Once more, I was groaning in pain as I laid down on the couch with a bunch of pillows surrounding me as I looked down at my stomach. It was already double its previous size.

I tightly gripped onto the pillow as I felt the change taking place. It wasn't long before my nails grew longer and dug into the pillows.

It was nearing the end of the month and for some reason, my body have just been switching between all of my three forms, which was strange.

It was strange because pregnant she wolves couldn't shift into their wolf form, but that was exactly what was happening to me.

Once again, Ashanti left me all alone while he was out gathering information. Although I understand why he is out, I don't understand how he thinks it's okay to leave a pregnant me here alone.

Especially since this child hasn't even been born yet but is already messing with me and my physical appearance.

Sighing, I got up as I watched my tail swaying from side to side since there was nothing better to do. Unfortunately, Ashanti did not own a TV, so that was out of the picture and I had already gone through his entire bookshelf.

Something told me that the baby would be coming soon but I don't know whether or not I am capable of taking care of another life form.

I mean, I couldn't even stand up for myself after my mother's death. All I ever did was cry and be mad at the Moon Goddess while thinking of suicide.

If I am someone who thinks about suicide, how will I be capable of raising a child?

Right now is a bit too late to be having thoughts like this, especially when my baby can come flying out at anytime and I don't exactly have a due date.

In one more week this month will end and I just know that this child is not going to stay in my belly for so long. So that means I am going to be giving birth sometime during next week.

"I see you're in your third form now," Ashanti said as he came strolling in through the back door and took a seat on the couch as I joined him.

"It looks like you're going to have to change up your hair and maybe change the colour of your eye," he said, observing me.

I gave him a confused look as to why he wanted to change my appearance all of a sudden and he just handed me a fold up paper.

I opened it to see a printed picture of me when I was younger standing in front of the flowers in my mother's garden. I had a huge smile on my face and just looked so happy, while doing a funny little pose.

A smile made it's way onto my face as I remembered when that picture was taken. It was my twelfth birthday when my mother decided to just take many pictures of me throughout the day to put into an album.

"So did you buy me some dye and contacts?" I asked, when I finally managed to pull my attention away from the picture.

"I didn't have to because there is a simpler way," he said, making me confused by what he meant simpler way. "All you have to do is remain in this form but keep your tail and ears and everything wolf like hidden."

My eyes widened. "You mean I can do that!" I shouted a bit too loud, because his hands shot up to his ears. "And just by saying all that, it doesn't sound to simple to me."

"Trust me it is, but you can't do it right now in your current state. Since the baby is controlling your forms, we will just have to wait until you give birth. That doesn't seem to be too far from now anyways."

I let out a sigh as I rubbed my hands on my stomach. That baby hasn't even been out yet and is already trying to kill me. I swear, children are just miserable from the womb.

Instead of them kicking me, they bite and punch. I don't even know how their teeth is already developed, but other than that, I can't think of another reason for feeling sharp bite marks in my flesh.

"So is it going to be a boy first like it always has been?" I asked, suddenly curious as to if the family tradition would be carried out since everything has been off tradition for me. I had thought that the Moon Goddess would have told me, but she hasn't and I can't exactly go to a normal hospital.

"I actually don't know. The Moon Goddess is one tricky woman that loves playing games," he said, as he run his fingers through his hair.

"So what about names? Do you have any in mind?" I asked, wanting to hear what he came up with. I already had a few names that I like and they weren't too common.

"If it's a girl, then maybe something like Aracel or Nubia and if it's a boy, then Asim or Elias," he said chuckling. I had recognized two of the names as I eyed him suspiciously while wondering if he was serious or not.

"Aracel? That's my grandmother's middle name you know," I said, as he smirked at me. "I actually like your names, which is quite surprising," I admitted, shocked that he came up with such nice names.

"Anyways, my girl names are quite similar to Aracel. They are Acacia, Adalia and Nevria and as for boy names," I said, chuckling at the silly names I came up with. "Adriano, Oro and Tauro. Before you say anything, I don't know where I got them from and yes they are a bit silly."

He stared at me for a while, probably wondering whether or not I was being serious before bursting out in laughter. It was soon before I joined him, but I had to stop when I felt as if the baby was biting me again.

"They aren't too bad, but I like mine better. Anyways, which do you think we should name him or her?" He asked.

I didn't know which names I liked better so I shrugged my shoulders. "I will let you know when he gets here."

"So," he said, followed by a short pause. "You mean now."

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