Chapter Thirty Three

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As soon as the words left Ashanti's mouth, I felt as if I was being pulled away from this world as I felt hands wrap around me. The next thing I know, was that my body was being placed into cool water.

No matter how many times I tried to opened my eyes, I failed. It was as if my eyelids were glued shut as I felt intense pain coursing through my stomach.

Just when the pain became unbearable, I was completely pulled away from my body and to the Moon Goddess's pool. I think I am getting tired of being in this place and seeing the the Goddess. Even though she is the one who created me, she is also the person who made my life absolutely terrible.

"Oh darling, it's a pleasure to have you here once more," her musical voice said, but I couldn't see her anywhere. Maybe I am just dreaming, but I'm sure I would not willingly dream of the person who made my life a nightmare. 

"You aren't dreaming. Instead, I brought you here so that you would not die from childbirth since your body is so weak.I still don't get what you was trying to achieve from starving yourself, because I would never let you die."

I scoffed at her as I swam to the surface of the body of water. "Of course not. Your torturing is way worse than death and you wouldn't want to grant me what I desired the most," I said, trying my best not to roll my eyes but ended up doing it.

She only laughed at me behaviour as I climbed onto shore. Her body suddenly appearing next to me. Her shiny black hair was in an elegant up-do as she wore a two piece that appeared to be made out of gold, which kind of reminded me of Cleopatra.

My mother used to always tell me stories about great people from all around the world. I used to love listening to the way she described every detail about them and how she used to always answer all of my questions, which were a lot.

"I know that you're the Goddess and all, but why are you dressed like that?" I asked curiously. The past two times that I have been here, she always wore a flowing white dress that was beautiful even though it was plain simple.

"Well you're finally giving birth to the child that will save the werewolf race, so this calls for a little celebration!" She yelled the last part while shaking her hips a little, making the gold chain around her belly jingle.

"So why I am I here? Shouldn't I be back down there for the birth of my own child?" I questioned, confused as to why I am here.

"Well like I said earlier, your body is too weak to go through all that pain. I brought you here to preserve your soul, so that I could place it back in your body when the child is done eating their way out of you." The look on her face made me back away from her, just in case she do something crazy.

I don't know what it was, but it seemed like she was very happy when saying the eating out of me part. I really wanted to ask what she meant by eating out of me.

"Um, what do you mean by eating their way out of me, " I asked, ready to panic.

"That was just to scare you," she laughed. "Anyways, when you are returned back to your body, it is your job to feed them." I raised my brow at her words. Like who doesn't know that they have to feed another living being.

I was still a little bit frightened by her supposed joke, so I remained silent.

She sighed, before speaking again. "I mean, you have to feed them your blood. It is so that they can inherit their powers and to know what their role is in all of this," she said, a smile growing on her face as she watched my expression. 

"I have to give my child my blood! Why in the world would you make him inherit his powers that way? Can't you change it so that he gets them when he comes of age?" How am I supposed to give him my blood.

"Darling, that's the way it has been for quite sometime. Your mother gave you her blood as a child by slipping it into your meals." She paused and began tapping her fingers on her chin. "I mean, we can always do it the original way, which is to kill one of their blood relatives when they come of age."

My eyes widened at the other choice, as I began shaking my head. "Oh never mind. It's not that big of a deal."

"That was another joke." She let out a soft chuckle. "But, they will need the blood directly from your flesh so that they can grow at an incredibly fast rate, because I am growing tired of watching these horrible creatures."

I said nothing knowing how she can quickly become angry when speaking about them. Not knowing what to do, I was about to jump back into the water when I felt a sharp amount of pain in my stomach.

It felt as if my flesh was being ripped open by claws that seemed to be made of metal claws that was laced with some kind of wolfs-bane mixture. My eyes closed shut as I fell into the water while every part of my body seemed to be in agony.

Here I was feeling this intense amount of pain when the Goddess said she brought me here so that I would not feel it. Who knew the Moon Goddess was also a liar?

"Oh darling, you have to feel at least a little pinch of pain. Now go take care of my little child and raise them to be the best. And by the way, traditions change."

The words sounded like an echo as I was being sucked back into my body. I tried to open my eyes, but they were still glued shut as I was consumed by darkness. My body was at a weakened state and all I wanted to do was sleep.

Just as I was falling asleep, I heard the loud cries of my child followed by Ashanti's soft coos.

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